दृष्टिबाधित (वीएच) उम्मीदवारों के लिए डेटा एंट्री स्किल टेस्ट (डीईएसटी) में उपस्थित होने की छूट के संबंध में स्पष्टीकरण (Clarification regarding exemption to appear in Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) for Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates)


REVISED CALENDAR OF EXAMINATIONS SCHEDULED Sl. No. Name of Examination Tentative Date of issuance of Model Notification (MN)/ Notification (N) Tentative Closing date for receipt of applications Tentative Date of examination (DOE) 1. (a) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the posts of Postal Assistant (Circle Office and Regional Offices), Postal Assistant (Post Office) and Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service) from eligible officials for the vacancy year: 2024 (01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024) Model Notification by Directorate on 07/06/2024   Notification by Circles on 12/06/2024 03/07/2024 21/07/2024 (b) Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Assistants and Sorting Read More …

Enhancement of Allowances

Enhancement of Allowances 25% due to increase of DA rates by 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Pay level Existing rate of allowance Revised rate w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) R3H1 >9 5300 6625 <8 4100 5125 R3H2 >9 3400 4250 <8 2700 3375 R3H3 >9 1200 1500 <8 1000 1250 2. Conveyance Allowance Distance Existing rate of allowance Revised rate w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Rs. Motor Car Other Conveyance Motor Car Other Conveyance 201-300 km 1680 556 2100 695 301450 Km 2520 720 3150 900 451-600 Km 2980 960 3725 1200 601-800 Km 3646 1126 4558 1408 Above 800 Km 4500 1276 5625 1595 3. Special Allowance for Read More …

Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examination held in PAOs

Annexure-I Syllabus for the Departmental Examinations for Promotion of Lower Division Clerks to Junior Accountants & Departmental Examinations for confirmation of Direct recruit Junior Accountants in Postal Accounts Offices Paper-I Precis writing, Drafting, Grammar and Basic Computer Skills Hindi/ English (Without Books) Max Marks : 100 Duration : 03 Hours  Sl. No. Topic Weightage 1. Precis writing 30 Marks 2. Drafting 25 Marks 3. Grammar 25 Marks 4. Basic computer skills 20 Marks Note: 1. Precis shall be taken from Departmental noting and not from General Books etc. Draft also should be required to be composed on Departmental matters. Note: Read More …