The Competent Authority is pleased to announce the result of aforesaid Competitive Examination (CE) held on 25.08.2024 (Sunday) in respect of passed GDS candidates as in Annexure-I.
2. As per Directorate’s instructions issued vide letters No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 5th April, 2022, 19.12.2022, 18.10.2023 & 31.10.2023, the selected GDS candidates have been allotted to Divisions/units as per their merit (total of Marks in Paper-I) vis-a-vis availability of vacancies in the Division/Unit and as per relevant Recruitment Rules & instructions on the subject.
3. The Final Answer Keys of Paper-I, II & Paper-III of aforesaid CE were already displayed at India Post Website i.e. www.indiapost.gov.in. The selection of the candidates is based on the eligibility criteria for qualifying the examination issued vide this office Notification dated 15.07.2024 and relevant rules & instructions issued by Department from time to time.
4. Details of vacancies in accordance with the extant rules/guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time is enclosed in Annexure-II.
5 In case of deciding of inter-se rank/merit in case of more than one candidate scoring equal marks, instructions contained Directorate’s letter No. 04-08/2019-SPN-I dated 11.12.2020 have been followed.
6. The information relating to the names of the candidates, their roll numbers and community have been shown on the basis of information furnished by the Heads of Region/Division. The Head of the Divisions/Units are requested that particulars of successful candidates, viz. roll numbers, names, community and their eligibility to appear in the said examination, are re-checked and it be ensure that the selected candidates fulfill all required conditions of relevant Recruitment Rules before declaration of their result. The Divisional/ Unit Heads are advised to re-check all the pre-requisite criteria/conditions prescribed for candidates, with reference to their recommendations made while forwarding the application form. They will also check that number of such candidates allotted to their Units is not more than the number of vacancies proposed to be filled through the said examination.
7. In case, if it is found subsequently that any of the selected candidate(s) was not eligible to appear in the examination under the existing Rules/Instructions on the subject or for any reasons or in case any discrepancy is found with regard to announcement of Result of any candidate for any reason whatsoever, his/her name will be deleted from the list of successful candidates, as the case may be.
8. In respect of SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates, “appointment of the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their caste/EWS status. Head of the Unit will take an undertaking from the officials to this effect at the time of their relieving and ensure verification of caste status/EWS within one month”.
9. The Divisions/Regions are requested to verify the current status of the candidature of all qualified candidates before declaration of the result. If any discrepancy is found in respect of any item, the matter should immediately be reported to this office and respective result should not be declared until receipt of clearance from this office.
9.1 Before declaring the results at Divisional Level, instructions issued vide Directorate’s letter No. X- 7/6/2022-SPN-II dated 17.05.2023 & 22.09.2023 circulated vide CO letter No. Rectt/M-76/Ruling/2012/5 dated 18/19.05.2023 & 03.10.2023 must be followed by all Divisional Heads without fail in respect of all qualified candidates of their Division regarding the candidates with reference to disciplinary/criminal prosecution, if any. Contd..
10. This result is also subject to any change in merit list of selected candidates for any reason in accordance With the existing Rules and Instructions on the subject. It may be ensured that no Provisional candidate is given uppointment without regularization of the candidature and such cases need not be kept pending except in very exceptional & unavoidable circumstances.
11. The Division/Unit Heads should ensure immediate issue of offer of appointment letters to the successful candidates within 7 (seven) days so that the selected candidates/officials may join their respective offices of posting at the earliest as per extant rules.
“Offer(s) of appointment will be issued in case of these successful candidates clearly indicating that if the official does not join the allotted post within seven (07) days it will be deemed to have been refused. Official on leave may be allowed to join even after seven days if they communicate in writing to accept the promotion and in that case the official will be be allowed after expiry of approved leave period. (Controlling officers are advised to contact such successful candidates who are on leave for obtaining their consent to join promotional post in writing. Similarly, candidates who do not wish to join the allotted posts may be encouraged to communicate the same in writing)”
12. Proforma to submit acceptance/declination is enclosed. Declination submitted by the candidates should be accepted by the concerned Divisional Heads where candidates sare working.
13. Requests for re-totaling/revaluation will not be entertained in the light of instructions of the Directorate, Photo copies of answer sheets will be supplied to the candidates, on submission of application under RTI Act, only on furnishing OMR Form No. & Roll Number.
14. Applications under RTI Act for supply of photo copies of OMR/Answer Sheets will be entertained in the following manner:-
a) Candidates, who wish to have the coples of OMR/Answer Sheets suppliod, are required to pay a fee of Rs.25/- per paper with key plus Rs. 10/- towards fee for application under RTI Act in the post office accounts and submit their applications through the Division/Unit concerned along with the receipt for payment of fee in original.
b) A copy of this letter with annexures has been uploaded on www.indiapost.gov.in. Request for supply of these documents under RTI Act will not be entertained,
c) The prescribed period of preservation in respect of OMR/answer sheets is one year from the date of declaration of this result. Therefore, application received after one year from the date of declaration of results for supply of photocopies of OMR/answer sheet will not be entertained.
15 Appointment of selected candidates should be processed expeditiously observing usual formalities and departmental guidelines issued and circulated from time to time,
This is issued with approval of the Competent Authority
Hello sir
When gds to mts result of Punjab circle comes?
सर जी
मैं राजस्थान सर्किल से हु
सिरोही डिविजन
ओबीसी से
मेरे जीडीएस टू एमटीएस एग्जाम में 78/98 नंबर आ रहे है
सिलेक्शन होने की संभावना है या नहीं