1. I am writing this DO regarding APS enrolment of volunteers of DoP on Field service. This refers Department of Posts letter No Q-25/45/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 13 Dec 2022 regarding ‘APS Deputation Reserve’. Copy of the letter is enclosed for ready reference.
2. As you aware that APS is facing acute shortage of manpower from DoP in Group ‘C’ and MTS cadres. As APS Base Circle is one of the Postal Circle of DoP to provide befitting postal services to Armed Force, Department of Posts has considered the proposal of ‘APS Deputation Reserve’ and accordingly instructions issued letter under reference.
3. Department of Posts vide letter under reference has requested all Heads of Circles that re-distributed 3029 post of sanctioned strength of APS Base Circle is serving at APS at any point of time as per distribution mentioned at Annexure to the letter under reference (Circle-wise, cadre-wise).
4. Further, Department of Posts notified all Heads of the Circle regarding the anticipated vacancy / defi of APS manpower for the next six months (Circle-wise, cadre-wise) with the directions to take necessary action to cope up with the manpower requirement of APS, vide DoP letter No W-14/3/2023-SPN-I-DoP dated 16 Nov 2023.
5. To ease and streamline the flow of volunteers, policy guidelines on ‘APS Enrolment’ has been issued by Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD (Army) vide letter No 62540/Rtg B (A) dt 25 Jul 2019. Prelim med exam for the volunteers at ZRO/AROS had been done away with and candidates will be put through only one med exam, vide Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD (Army) letter No 62540/Rtg B (A) dt 13 Jan 2021. The periodicity of screening of volunteers at nominated AROS have also been increased from two to thrice in a year i.e. in the month of Apr, Aug and Dec every year vide Dte Gen Recruiting, IHQ of MoD (Army) letter No 62540/Rtg B (A) dt 12 Jun 2023.
6. I would like to intimate that Addl Dte Gen APS, IHQ of MoD (Army) has taken following initiate to motivate volunteers for APS enrolment:-
(a) APS Officers have been detailed at Command HQs level to coordinate & conduct motivational lectures to potential volunteers at your Circle. In addition, Nodal Officers APS will coordinate with your Circle to facilitate Divisional Heads and volunteers regarding the procedure of APS Enrolment at various stages. The details of Command HQ APS Nodal Officers along with their email id is enclosed as Appx ‘A’ to this DO letter.
(b) The ‘Flow Chart of APS Enrolment (from Application stage to reporting at APS Wing for Training stage) is enclosed as Appx ‘B’ to this DO for the information of Divisional Heads and volunteers through your Circle website and social media.
(c) A brief on ‘Facilities available in APS for the Volunteers’ is enclosed as Appx ‘C’ to this DO for wide dissemination at your Circle through Circle website and social media.
(d) The above information will also be available at Indiapost website under Employee Corner shortly.
7. I kindly request you to issue necessary instructions to Postmaster Generals of Regional HQs and Divisional Heads under your Circle to motivate volunteer in coordination with APS Nodal Officer for APS enrolment and to maintain your Circle “APS Deputation Reserve as per sanctioned strength distributed vide Appx to Department of Posts letter under reference.
8. I shall be grateful for your kind action to depute adequate volunteers to APS.
Re-distribution of Gr ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts for deputing personnel to Army Postal Service- Fixation of number of deputationists from the Circles

Kindly refer to this office letters no. 2-8/2002-PE-I dated 24.08.2008 & 31.12.2010 (for Delhi & Bihar Circles only), on the subject mentioned above, vide which 4601 posts of Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ were re-distributed among the Circles for deputing to Army Postal Service.
2. Addl. DG, APS, vide letter no. 90413/APS 1C/R-341(b) dated 13.09.2022, has intimated that the sanctioned strength of APS has been reduced to 3029 during downsizing process and, thus, requested to revise the deputation reserve quota proportionately as per present strength of 3029.
3. Accordingly, re distribution of 3029 posts among the Circles has been made as given in Annexure. The Circles are requested to maintain the sanctioned strength of ‘APS Deputation Reserve’ as per Annexure and ensure that authorized manpower of Circle Deputation Reserve is serving at APS at any point of time. APS, through SPN Branch of Personnel Division of this Directorate, will inform concerned Circles by June and December of every year regarding anticipated vacancy/deficiency for the next six months and number of volunteers to be replaced against such vacancy/deficiency by the Circle (s).
4. This is in supersession of this office letters no. 2-8/2002-PE-I dated 24.03.2008 & 31.12.2010 (including Delhi & Bihar Circles).
5. This issues with the approval of the Member (Pers).
Circle Wise Distribution of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Posts for Deputing to Army Postal Service (APS)
S. No. | Name of Circle | Supervisor | PAS/SAs | Postman | MTS | Total |
1 | A. P. Circle | 15 | 44 | 29 | 23 | 111 |
2 | Assam Circle | 3 | 15 | 24 | 31 | 73 |
3 | Bihar Circle | 12 | 79 | 21 | 97 | 209 |
4 | Chhattisgarh Circle | 3 | 16 | 0 | 5 | 24 |
5 | Delhi Circle | 20 | 52 | 7 | 5 | 84 |
6 | Gujarat Circle | 7 | 28 | 7 | 7 | 49 |
7 | Haryana Circle | 24 | 69 | 35 | 20 | 148 |
8 | H. P. Circle | 36 | 96 | 28 | 65 | 225 |
9 | J & K Circle | 6 | 31 | 35 | 33 | 105 |
10 | Jharkhand Circle | 8 | 28 | 7 | 4 | 47 |
11 | Karnataka Circle | 21 | 56 | 24 | 25 | 126 |
12 | Kerala Circle | 17 | 31 | 14 | 52 | 114 |
13 | M. P. Circle | 16 | 75 | 10 | 18 | 119 |
14 | Maharashtra Circle | 48 | 160 | 21 | 37 | 266 |
15 | NE Circle | 3 | 17 | 0 | 19 | 39 |
16 | Odisha Circle | 11 | 21 | 3 | 4 | 39 |
17 | Punjab Circle | 25 | 59 | 55 | 90 | 229 |
18 | Rajasthan Circle | 48 | 71 | 45 | 44 | 208 |
19 | Tamilnadu Circle | 37 | 112 | 28 | 49 | 226 |
20 | Telangana Circle | 10 | 29 | 19 | 15 | 73 |
21 | Uttarakhand Circle | 19 | 61 | 10 | 17 | 107 |
22 | U. P. Circle | 40 | 209 | 28 | 51 | 328 |
23 | West Bengal Circle | 20 | 45 | 3 | 12 | 80 |
TOTAL | 449 | 1404 | 453 | 453 | 3029 |
Ser | Postal Circle | Command level APS Nodal Officers | |
1. | Andhra Pradesh | HQ Southern Command | dir.sc@indiapost.gov.in |
2. | Telangana | ||
3. | Tamilnadu | ||
4. | Kerala | ||
5. | Karnataka | ||
6. | Maharashtra | APS Wing | wgcdr.apswg@indiapost.gov.in |
7. | Gujarat | ||
8. | Madhya Pradesh | ||
9. | Rajasthan | HQ South Western Command | dir.swc@indiapost.gov.in |
10. | Chattisgarh | HQ Central Command | dir.cc@indiapost.gov.in |
11. | Jharkhand | ||
12. | Uttar Pradesh | ||
13. | Uttarakhand | ||
14. | Haryana | HQ Western Command | baps.wc@indiapost.gov.in |
15. | Himachal Pradesh | ||
16. | Punjab | ||
17. | Assam | HQ Eastern Command | baps.ec@indiapost.gov.in |
18. | North East | ||
19. | Orissa | 2 СВРО | comdt.2cbpo@indiapost.gov.in |
20. | West Bengal | ||
21. | Bihar | ||
22. | Delhi | 1 СВРО | comdt.1cbpo@indiapost.gov.in |
23. | Jammu & Kashmir | HQ Northern Command | dir.nc@indiapost.gov.in |

(To be filled in by the volunteers)
1. Name (including alias, if any) (In Block Letters)
2. Father’s Name
3. Permanent home address (with mobile number)
4. Educational Qualifications
- (a) Whether knows typing.: Present speed
- (b) Whether knows shorthand,: Present speed
5. (a) Present appointment (If officiating also state substantive appointment with date)
(b) Date of initial appointment In Civil P & T and the cadre in which appointed
6. Present address (with Aadhaar Number)
7. Date of birth
8. Place of birth
9. Brief particulars of previous Military: Service, if any
10. Conditions of service:-
- (a) The volunteer is required to undergo preliminary medical examination at the nearest Military/Recruiting office. Actual travelling expenses are admissible to him for visit made in connection with preliminary medical examinations.
- (b) The volunteer is at liberty to apply to have his name removed from the list of volunteers at any time except after he has been ordered to proceed on field service.
- (c) On receipt of the orders, the volunteer must start moving for the specified Army Recruiting Office, within 24 hours of being relieved of his duties.
- (d) The volunteer is required to serve anywhere in India or outside and he must remain on field service as long as required under the terms of his enrolment/commission.
- (e) The detailed terms and conditions are contained in Director General, Posts and Telegraphs, General Circular No 04 dated 22 Oct 1977 and the Postal Manual (War) India 1937.
11. Declaration to be signed by the applicant:-
I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in the application form is correct. I accept the conditions of service in Army Postal Service and request that my name be entered in the list of volunteers for Field Service.
Date: (Signature of applicant)
12. I hereby declare that:-
(a) I am not married
(b) I am widower
(c) I am married and having more than one wife living
(d) I am married and do not have more than one wife living
Note:- Strike out whichever is not applicable
13. I also undertake not to contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Govt of India, Min of Defence.
14. I fully understand that in the event of my declaration being found incorrect at any time during the period of training or after enrolment/appointment/grant of commission, I shall be liable to be returned or dismissed from training/service.
Witness Signature
Designation Full address
15. I have this day of 20 examined Shri
and hereby, certify that in my opinion, he is in good health and physically fit for active service in India or any other part of the world
Place: (Signature and designation of Medical Officer)
Recommended. It is certified that Shri
has a good record of service, sound physique and active habits. No disciplinary proceedings are either pending or contemplated against him. The particulars given at item 1 to 8 of the application have been verified from the service records and found correct.
Date: (Signature with Designation)
(Unless the Officer concerned can conscientiously sign, the application should not be sent)
It is certified that Shri………………………………………………..(name of the official) is a regular employee and is holding a lien against a permanent post in the Dept of Posts. He could be repatriated to Dept of Posts if found to be unfit on any count while serving with Army Postal Service.
Date: (Signature with designation of Divisional Head)

Ser | Type of Leave | No of days |
(a) | Annual Leave | 56 + Journey |
(b) | Casual Leave | 30 |
(c) | Hospitalization | Considered as on Duty |
(d) | Sick Leave | Recommended by Medical Officer |
(e) | Accumulation | 300 days |
(f) | Encashment (Max-60 days) | Over & above 300 |

7. Benefits – Travel Concession (Train):-
Type | Frequency/ Eligibility | JCOS / WO | NAIK/SEP |
Free LTC (Duty station to Home station | Once in a year (Self + Wife + Children+ Dependents) | AC 2 TIER | AC 3 TIER |
Free All India LTC | Once in two years (Self + Wife + Children+ Dependents) | AC 2 TIER | AC 3 TIER |
If posted in Field station | Twice in a year (Self | AC 2 TIER | AC 3 TIER |
50% concession | Unlimited (Self + Wife +Children+ Dependents) | AC 2 TIER | AC 3 TIER |
8. Benefits – Army Group Insurance (AGI):-
Details | JCOS/WOs | NAIK / SEP |
Monthly subscription (Compulsory) | Rs.2525 | Rs.2525 |
Insurance cover | Rs.37.50 lakhs | Rs.37.50 lakhs |
Advance Computer loan | Yes | Yes |
Advance-Two wheeler loan | Yes | Yes |
Advance Four wheeler loan | Yes | Yes |
Part withdrawal Higher education / Marriage of wards | 90% at credit | 90% at credit |
Amount accumulated in AGI savings fund will be refunded to officials on their repatriation to department of posts. |
9. Benefits – Canteen Facilities (CSD):-
Details | JCOS/WOs | NAIK / SEP |
All type of consumer goods on concessional rates (less than MRP) | Rs. 10,500 per month | Rs.8,000 per month |
Electronic, electrical goods on concessional rates (less than MRP) | Rs.75,000 per year | Rs.55,000 per year |
Liquor on concessional rates (less than MRP) | 7 bottles per month | 5 bottles per month |
After rendering Minimum 5 years Service in APS, Canteen Facilities with Liquor is available, After Repatriation to Department of Posts |
10. Benefits – Medical Facilities :-
Free Medical Facilities for Self, Wife, Children and Dependents
Free Medical Facilities like OPD, Medicines, Diagnosis, In Patient (Room Rent & Food), Specialist Consultant, Minor Operations & Major Operations.
11. Benefits -Education & Scholorship :-
Admission of children in Army Public School, KV and other Pvt School in the Military station
Children will get reservation for getting admission in professional colleges under State Govt
Scholarships are available for children of personnel from APS Corps Regimental Fund and from Army (ESSA)
Admission of children in the following Professional Colleges for JCOS/WOS/OR who have completed 10 years of service in Army Postal Service
Army Institute of Technology, Pune | Army College of Medical Science, Delhi Cantt |
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune | Army College of Dental Science, Secunderabad |
Army Institute of Management, Kolkatta | Army Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida |
Army Institute of Fashion Design, Bangalore | Army College of Nursing, Jalandhar |
Army Institute of Nursing, Guwahati | Army Institute of Higher Education, Pathankot |
Army Institute of Hotel Management And Catering Technology, Bangalore | Army Institute of Law, Mohali, Chandigarh |
Army Centre of Education, Pachmarhi | Army Institute of Education, Greater Noida |
Grant to wives for enhancement of their academic qualification.
Grant to personnel for enhancement of their academic qualification while serving in APS.
12. Benefits – other :-
Talented sports personnel can participate in Army teams at various
Eligible for applying to dwelling units from Army Housing Welfare Organisation (AWHO) after completing 10 years & more service in APS.
Officials will get choice posting in Dept of Posts on repatriation.
13. Foreign Posting : –
05 Field Post Offices are being operated at United Nation peace keeping force, abroad Lebanon 01. Congo 02. South Sudan 01 & Israel-01
04 Field Post Offices are being operated at HQ IMTRAT (Indian Military Training Team), Bhutan
Every year, APS personnel are selected for foreign assignment based on various parameters through board of officers.
30 APS personnel (JCOS/WOS/NAIK/SEP) are being sent to foreign postings every year.
Foreign Posting | Additional Allowance | Tenure | Total Allowance |
Bhutan | Rs. 84,138/- per month | 02 Years | Rs.20.19 lakh |
UN Mission | $1600/- per month (Approx Rs. 1,31,808/-) | 06 months | Rs. 8.00 lakh |
Redistribution of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts for deputing personnel to Army Postal Service: fixation of number of deputationists from Circles.
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and enclose herewith the anticipated vacancy / deficiency for the next six months and number of volunteers to be replaced against such vacancy / deficiency by the Circles, provided by APS Directorate.
2. It is requested to take necessary action to cope up with the manpower requirement in APS as per extant rules/instructions on the subject.