Enhancement of Allowances 25% due to increase of DA rates by 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Pay level Existing rate of allowance Revised rate w.e.f. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) R3H1 >9 5300 6625 <8 4100 5125 R3H2 >9 3400 4250 <8 2700 3375 R3H3 >9 1200 1500 <8 1000 1250 2. Conveyance Allowance Distance Existing rate of allowance Revised rate w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Rs. Motor Car Other Conveyance Motor Car Other Conveyance 201-300 km 1680 556 2100 695 301450 Km 2520 720 3150 900 451-600 Km 2980 960 3725 1200 601-800 Km 3646 1126 4558 1408 Above 800 Km 4500 1276 5625 1595 3. Special Allowance for Read More …