Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examination held in PAOs


Syllabus for the Departmental Examinations for Promotion of Lower Division Clerks to Junior Accountants & Departmental Examinations for confirmation of Direct recruit Junior Accountants in Postal Accounts Offices


Precis writing, Drafting, Grammar and Basic Computer Skills

Hindi/ English (Without Books)

Max Marks : 100

Duration : 03 Hours

 Sl. No.TopicWeightage
1.Precis writing30 Marks
2.Drafting25 Marks
3.Grammar25 Marks
4.Basic computer skills20 Marks

Note: 1. Precis shall be taken from Departmental noting and not from General Books etc. Draft also should be required to be composed on Departmental matters.

Note: 2. Simple questions related to MS Excel, Word & Power point shall be included in ‘Basic Computer Skills’


Hindi/ English (With the Aid of Books)

Max. Marks :100

Duration : 03 Hours

In all five questions will be set in each Group out of which the candidate should answer two questions compulsorily from each Group and the remaining fifth question from any of the two groups.

1.FR & SRDefinitions
Pay fixation
Calculation of TA/ DA on Tour/Transfer
Calculation of leave salary/Pension contribution.
2.CCS (Pension) Rules 2021Definitions
Calculation of net qualifying service.
Calculation Pension, family pension including enhanced pension.
Calculation of Service gratuity & Death Gratuity.
Calculation of commuted value of pension.
3.CCS (Leave) Rules 1972Definitions.
Calculation of Earned leave and half pay leave at credit.
Different kinds of leaves and their admissibility.
4.CCS (Joining Time) Rules 1979Definitions.
Calculation of joining time.
5.General Financial Rules 2017Definitions and relevant rules regarding procurement & contract management.
6.Income tax RulesDefinitions
Calculation of Income tax on salary.
7.LTC RulesDefinitions & relevant rules.
8.NPS/NPS Lite rulesDefinitions & relevant rules.
9.RTI Act 2005Definitions & relevant rules.
10.CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 & CCS(CCA) Rules 1965Definitions & relevant rules.

Note: Five questions will be set containing comments/ short notes/ simple practical questions etc.

Group (Il)- Postal Accounts, Budget, Accounts Current & Internal Audit

S. No.Book/ ManualsTopics
1.FHB vol-lAll chapters except Chapter XVI.
2.FHB vol- IIAll chapters except Chapter II and appendices.
3.Postal Accounts Manual vol-lAll chapters including appendices (except chapters XV, XVI & XVII).
4.Appendix V to Postal Accounts Manual Vol- I 
5.Postal Manual Volume-IIChapter IX & XII
6.Schedule of Financial PowersSchedule of financial powers of officers of Department of Posts.
7.Manual of Internal Audit Questionnaire& CAAT manualAll chapters including appendices.

Note: Five questions will be set containing comments/ short notes/ simple practical questions etc.

Paper – III

Hindi/ English (With the Aid of Books)

Max Marks:100

Duration : 03 Hours

In all five questions will be set in each group out of which the candidate should answer two questions compulsorily from each Group and the remaining fifth question from any of the two groups.

Group – (l)-MO, SB & PO Certificate

S. No.Book/ ManualsTopics
1.Postal Accounts Manual vol-llMO, SB & PO CC Chapters
2.Postal Manual vol-llChapter on Inland Service MO
3.Postal Manual vol-Vl Part llChapters on Money orders
3.POSB ManualsAll chapters including appendices.
4.CBS ManualAll chapters including appendices.

Note: Five questions will be set containing comments/ short notes/ simple practical questions etc.

Group (Il)- GPF, Government Securities, IPO/BPO

S.N0.Book/ ManualsTopics
1.FHB vol-lChapter XVI
2.Postal Manual Volume- llChapter V & VI
3.Postal Manual vol-V1 Part llChapters on IPOs
4.Postal Accounts Manual vol-lChapter XV, XVI & xvll
5.Postal Accounts Manual vol- llChapters on Government securities & IPOs
6.GPF (CS) Rules 1960Definitions & relevant rules

Note: Five questions will be set containing comments/ short notes/ simple practical questions etc.


Syllabus for Departmental Examinations for Promotion of Multitasking staff/ Sorter to Lower Division Clerks & LDCE for promotion of Multitasking staff (12th passed) to Lower Division Clerks in Postal Accounts Offices


Essay, Precis writing, Drafting and Grammar

Hindi/ English (Without Books)

Max Marks : 100

Duration : 2.5 Hours

S. No.TopicWeightageDetails
1.Essay20 MarksA short essay of about 500 words to be written on one of several simple topics.
2.Precis writing20 MarksPrecis writing on any topic.
3.Drafting20 MarksDrafting of various types of official & demi-official communications.
4.Grammar40 MarksSimple questions of English/ Hindi grammar of Matriculation standard.


Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness

Hindi/ English (Without Books)

Max. Marks : 100

Duration : 2.5 Hours

S. No.TopicWeightageDetails
1.Quantitative Aptitude50 MarksSimple questions of quantitative aptitude of Matriculation standard.
2.General Awareness50 MarksSimple questions to test the knowledge of current events and of such matters of day-today observation and experience as any educated person may be expected to know.

Paper-Ill-Type Test (On computer)


Max Marks : Qualifying

Duration : 15 Minutes

S. No.TopicDetails
1.Type testType test for a minimum speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi. The passage for type test will consist of 525 words in English and 450 words in Hindi. The total number of mistakes should not exceed 10% for declaring a candidate qualified.

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