Sub: Declaration of result pertaining to Competitive Examination for recruitment to the posts of Postman and Mail Guard from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2024 (01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024) held on 25.08.2024 (Sunday) followed by DEST on 17.11.2024.
Ref: Circle Office, Bhubaneswar letter No. RE/30-13/2024 dated 15.07.2024.
In pursuance of the Postal Directorate letter No. A-34012/03/2024-DE dated 10.07.2024, notification for conducting Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman and Mail Guard from eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) for the vacancy year 2024 (01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024) was issued vide this office letter no. RE/30-13/2024 dated 15.07.2024 for which the written examination for Paper I, II and III was held on 25.08.2024 followed by DEST on 17.11.2024 in accordance with the Directorate instructions contained in Letter No.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022 and 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 19.12.2022.
2. The Final Answer Keys (Series A, B, C & D) of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III i.r.o the above mentioned examination have already been circulated to all Unit/Divisional Heads vide this office letter of even No. dated 03.09.2024 as well as displayed in odishapost.gov.in website.
3. In pursuance of Directorate instructions contained in Letter No.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022, selection of candidates will be based on their performance in Paper I and Paper – II provided a candidate has qualified in both Paper III and Paper IV. Paper-III (Knowledge of local language) and Paper – IV (DEST) are qualifying in nature. Performance in both Paper -I and Paper-II (combined, i.e. total of marks secured in Paper -I and Paper II) will be considered for selection to the posts of Postman/Mail Guard. Accordingly, the result has been compiled taking the marks of Paper-I and Paper-II (Combined) as merit and also in accordance with the procedure prescribed vide Directorate Letter No.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 18.10.2023 and 31.10.2023. The selected candidates have been allotted to the Divisions/Units as per merit (Category-wise i.e. UR, SC, ST, OBC & EWS) vis-a-vis order of preference exercised by the candidates subject to availability of vacancies in the Divisions/Units. This allotment is also subject to change, if any discrepancy found in allotment later on.
4. As per the said Directorate letter dated 18.10.2023 and 31.10.2023, the candidature for selection will be considered only if a post has been opted for subject to fulfilling the eligibility condition and a candidate shall not be considered for a Division/Unit for which preference has not been submitted by him/her.
5. The qualifying marks for selection to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard as per Directorate letter No.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022 is as hereunder.
Note: Five questions were deleted in Paper-I on the recommendations of moderation committee and consent of Question Paper setter.
6. Orders/guidelines relating to reservation in appointment to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities vide DoPT OM No.36035/02/2017-Estt (Res) dated 15.01.2018 communicated vide Directorate letter No. 12-4/2017-SCT dated 07.02.2018 and DoPT OM No. 36012/1/2020-Estt. (Res-II) dated 17.05.2022 & Directorate letter No. X-20/17/2024-SPN-II dated 13.08.2024 along with DoPT OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt (Res) dated 27.09.2024, and other extant rules/guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time have been complied.
7. Now, the Competent Authority is pleased to declare the result of Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard from eligible GDS for which the exam was held on 25.08.2024 followed by DEST on 17.11.2024 as per merit cum preference basis exercised by the candidates subject to availability of vacancy in a Division/unit as detailed below:-
Sl. No. | Description | Annexure |
i. | Revised vacancy position for the above said Competitive Examination after adding the unfilled vacancies of LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard from eligible MTS officials for the year 2024. | Annexure-I |
i. | Result of CE for recruitment to the cadre of Postman / Mail Guard from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2024 (01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024) held on 25.08.2024 followed by DEST on 17.11.2024 (on the basis of Total marks scored in both Paper-I & II as well as merit-cum-preference basis subject to availability of vacancy in a Division/Unit) | . Annexure-II |
8. The selection of candidates in Annexure-II is purely provisional and subject to fulfilment of conditions of relevant recruitment rules for appointment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard as per directorate instruction contained vide letter no X-7/6-2022-SPN-II dated 17.05.2023, 22.09.2023 and 04.03.2024
9. The information relating to vacancies, name of the candidates, their roll numbers, categories, date of birth & date of appointment have been shown on the basis of information furnished by the Regions/Divisions/Units. The Divisional/Unit Heads are requested to verify the relevant particulars of the selected candidates at their own level, before issuance of appointment orders. In case, it is subsequently found that any of the selected candidate(s) was not eligible to appear the examination under the extant rules or instructions on the subject for any other reasons or in case any mistake is found with regard to announcement of result of any candidate for any reason whatsoever, the same may be brought to the notice of Circle Office, Bhubaneswar immediately, so that his/her name could be deleted from the list of successful candidates. This should be incorporated in the appointment letters issued.
10. The category of candidates may be rechecked with reference to extant rules. The selection and appointment of the candidate belonging to OBC/EWS/SC/ST/PwBD category is subject to verification of their category status by the Divisions/Units concerned as per extant instructions on the subject.
11. The candidates of reserved category i.e. OBC/EWS/SC/ST/PwBD who are shown as qualified on merit and selected against UR vacancies should be adjusted against UR vacancies in the Roster as per the guidelines issued by the Department from time to time.
12 Before issuance of appointment letter, it should be ensured that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or punishment is in force against the successful/selected/allotted candidates. If, any such case exists, the same should be referred to Circle Office, Bhubaneswar immediately.
13. In case of more than one candidates get clubbed due to scoring equal mark their inter-se rank/merit will be decided in accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate Letter No.04-08/2019-SPN-1 dated 11.12.2020.
14. Provisional Candidates: The Heads of the concerned Divisions/Units are requested to immediately finalise the provisional candidature and such cases should not be kept pending for long time, so that the provisional candidates may not have to wait for the result inordinately. If name of any provisionally permitted candidate is found in the list of selected candidates, the same may be brought to the notice of Circle Office, Bhubaneswar for immediate necessary action. It is informed that the names of the candidates have been arranged in the order of merit cum preference subject to availability of vacancy. It may also be ensured that no provisional candidate, even if found in the list of selected candidates, shall be given appointment under any circumstances without regularization of his/her candidature.
15. As per the instructions contained in the Directorate letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-1 dated 18.10.2023, the Heads of Divisions/Units should ensure that appointment orders will be issued in case of the successful candidates clearly indicating that if the official does not join the allotted post within Seven (07) days it will be deemed to have been refused. Controlling officer shall immediately relieve the official to join the allotted post. Official on leave may be allowed to join even after seven days if they communicate in writing to accept the appointment and in that case the official will be allowed to join after expiry of approved leave period (Controlling officers are advised to contact such successful candidates who are on leave for obtaining their consent to join the allotted post in writing. Similarly, candidates who do not wish to join allotted posts may be encouraged to communicate the same in writing).
16. All the Divisional/Unit Heads are requested to cause issuance of appointment orders by 25.11.2024 and relieve the willing candidates immediately under intimation to this office. The appointing authorities are also requested to carry out all the required pre-appointment formalities as provided in relevant rules and instructions issued from time to time.
17. Divisional/Unit Heads concerned are requested to submit the unwillingness/refusals (unconditional) of the selected candidate by 29.11.2024 positively so that the selection of next meritorious candidate may be done in time.
18. No request for revision/change of allotment of Division/Unit will be entertained.
19. The guidelines issued vide Directorate’s letter No. W-04/2/2020-SPN-I-Part (1) dated 19.10.2020 as well as relevant recruitment rules for appointment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard as amended from time to time may be followed scrupulously while issuing appointment orders.
20. The results and contents of this memo may be brought to the notice of all concerned. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.