Sub: Processing of Speed Post and Registered articles at one hub
This has reference to the OM of even no. dated 17.10.2024 regarding processing of Speed Post Inland Document and Registered articles at one common processing hub.
- On issuing of orders regarding common processing of Speed Post and Registered articles, feasibility of shifting/merger of Registered L-1/L2 hubs either in the city or nearby NSHs/ICHs were examined by the Circles. Besides, Circles have also conducted the meeting with all the stakeholders including Service Unions.
- Based upon the comments received from Circles and considering various aspects like delivery advantage, reduction in transit time, mail profile being processed/to be processed in the proposed hubs (i.e. percentage of TD Mail, Inbound TD Mail and Outbound NTD mail), geographical condition, connectivity issues, reliability in mail transmission and processing etc. the final list of Network is attached herewith as Annexure-A (NSHs) and Annexure-B (ICHs)
- Some space constraints issues are raised by the Circles which was discussed with CSI and CEPT and it was decided that wherever it is not feasible to process the Speed Post and Registered articles at one processing hub, two processing hubs with same facility ID can function at different locations. Post Office mapping of both the post offices will remain the same and mail arrangements have to be maintained locally by the Circles itself. Both these hubs will technically get merged and will not be visible separately in the system. Circle shall ensure timely action in respect of transfer of employee ID wherever is required.
- Revised sort plan in accordance with the revised Operational Network will be pushed centrally by the CEPT team. Circles have to update the sort list at PO level and DMSL at both PO and hub level in accordance with revised hub structure. Similar, action is required at BNPL/BPC level having direct bagging facilities to close direct bags to the mapped post offices and NSHs across the country.
- Only one Speed Post bag with Orange color label containing Speed Post and Registered articles will be sent across all miles i.e. from Post Offices to the hubs, among the hubs and hubs to the post offices.
6.1 Presently Domestic Book Packets, Registered Book Packets containing printed books, periodicals, Registered News Paper, Registered Newspaper bundle. Sample Pattern packet. Blind Literature having registration are also processed at hubs. Circle shall identify a separate area for such articles and process them accordingly. A separate sorting diagram shall be maintained for such articles. After processing, these articles shall be sent through surface routes only. These bags will be sent in Green Color Bag Label. - Bag closing pattern in the revised network will be as follows:
- A. Post offices mapped with an NSH will send the following bags:
- i. TD bag containing Speed Post and Registered Articles to be delivered within the post offices mapped with the hub.
- ii. NTD articles containing the articles to be delivered within the mapped post offices of other hubs.
- iii. Delivery Post Offices shall keep the station articles (i.e. to be delivered in the delivery jurisdiction of the booking office itself) with them and no need to send such articles to the hub.
- iv. Apart from the above, one TD and one NTD bags containing the Domestic Registered Book Packets, Registered Book Packets containing printed books, periodicals, Registered News Paper, Registered Newspaper bundle, Sample Pattern packet, Blind Literature will also be prepared by the post offices for the hubs which shall be dealt by hubs separately through surface routes. These bags will be sent in Green Color Bag Label
- v.. Bag containing the Speed Post and Registered articles will be sent in orange color label.
- B. Post Offices mapped with the ICHs will close the following bags:
- i. TD bag to the ICH containing the articles to be delivered among the post offices of the mapped ICHs and other ICHs and NSHs within the Circle
- ii. NTD bag to the NSHs containing the articles to be delivered in the mapped post offices of the mapped NSHs and post office of the hubs of other Circles.
- iii. Post Offices shall keep the station articles (ie, to be delivered in the delivery jurisdiction of the booking office itself) with them and no need to send such articles to the hub,
- iv. Apart from the above, one TD and one NTD bags containing the Domestic Registered Book Packets, Registered Book Packets containing printed books, periodicals, Registered News Paper, Registered Newspaper bundle. Sample Pattern packet, Blind Literature will also be prepared by the post offices for the hubs which shall be dealt by hubs separately through surface routes. These bags will be sent in Green Color Bag Label.
- Bag containing the Speed Post and Registered articles will be sent in orange color label.
- C. Closing of bags from the Hubs
- i. Bag containing the Speed Post and Registered articles will be sent in orange color label.
- ii. A single bag containing Speed Post and Registered articles to other hubs/ mapped delivery offices.
- iii. Domestic Book Packets, Registered Book Packets containing printed books, periodicals, Registered News Paper, Registered Newspaper bundle, Sample Pattern packet, Blind Literature shall be sent in a separate bag through surface route. These bags will be sent in Green Color Bag Label.
- D. In respect of International Track packets (ITPS) bag closing pattern will be as follows:
- i. Post Office mapped with ICHs will close direct separate bag directly to their NSHs only.
- ii. Post Offices/IBCs to close direct bags for outward ITPS and Registered Insured letter post articles (letter, small packet, Blind Literature, printed paper. M Bag) to mapped FPO/OE in case the daily average of 15 articles/10 Kg mail per category exists as mentioned in IR &GB OM Number CF-71/16/2022-CF-DOP dated 22.06.2023
- iii. Hubs will process the domestic packets and close bags for the destination as per the applicable transport mode (Air/Surface). However, it should be super scribed in right hand corner of the label i.e. either AIR or SURFACE.
- iv. In respect of International outward category of mail, all NSHs shall close direct bags to the mapped FPOs only for Registered/Insured letter post items. and ITPS articles and dispatch the bags through Air where air connection is available.
- A. Post offices mapped with an NSH will send the following bags:
- Circles shall ensure the following:
i. Updation of sort list.
ii. Creation of revised DMSI
iii. Deployment of adequate staff for smooth processing of Speed Post and Registered articles.
iv. to ensure timely action in respect of transfer of employee ID wherever is required
v. While allowing leave to the staff, sufficient number of staff to be ensured to handle the expected volume.
vi. A monitoring mechanism shall be put in place by setting up of round the clock control room at Divisional/Regional and Circle Level to keep a proper watch on the operation of the hubs. If any accumulation of mail is observed that should be brought into the notice of CPMSG and Directorate.
vii. Concerned Divisional Heads/inspecting authority should plan their frequent visits to the Hubs to ensure the smooth processing of mail.
viii. Whenever SAP is not available processing shall be continued through Business Continuity Plan (BCP). In any case there shall be no accumulation. of mail. - Army Postal Service (APS) Directorate is also requested to adopt similar action at both the APS hubs (i.e. 1CBPO and 2 СВРО).
- Collocation of Unregistered Hubs may be deferred in places where there is a space constraint.
- Revised sort plan will be pushed in the system on 07.12.2024 (midnight) and the new Network will be operationalized w.e.f. first set/batch of 09.12.2024
Encl. : as above