Subject: Competitive Examination (CE) for recruitment to the cadre of Postman and Mail Guard from eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) for the vacancies earmarked for GDS and for unfilled vacancies of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for Postman and Mail Guard for the vacancy year 2024, held on 25.08.2024 (Sunday) and DEST on 17.09.2024 (Tuesday) of Bihar Circle- Publication of list of successful GDS candidates (Merit list) out of the qualified GDS candidates for the posts of Postman and Mail Guard cadre.
In pursuance of Postal Directorate, New Delhi letter no. A-34012/03/2024-DE dated 10.07.2024 and Circle Office, Patna letter no. R&E-187/PM-MG/MTS/Exam/2024 dated 15.07.2024, the notification for Competitive Examination (CE) for recruitment to the cadre of Postman and Mail Guard from eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) was issued on 15.07.2024. In the said notification it was announced to conduct the above examination for the vacancy year 2024 on 25.08.2024 (Sunday). Accordingly examination of Paper-I, II & III were conducted on 25.08.2024 (Sunday) and Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) Paper-IV on 17.09.2024 (Tuesday).
2 Now, the results has been prepared as per guidelines of Postal Directorate issued vide letter no.17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022 circulated vide this office email dated 06.04.2022 (06.06 PM), 17- 08/2018-SPN I dated 18.10.2023 and Postal Directorate letter No. 03-03/2019-5PN-1 (Pt-1) dated 17.05.2022 and 04.08.2022
3. On successful completion of aforesaid examination, provisional answer keys of Paper-I, II & (MCQ in series A,B,C & D of all three papers) inviting feedback/challenges from candidates were uploaded on indiapost website on 25.08.2024 On receipt of responses from candidates and recommendation of moderation committee (2) two question in Paper-1 and (01) one question in Paper-II have been deleted. Due to deletion of two questions in Paper-1 and one question in Paper-II, minimum qualifying marks have been reduced as per para No. 17 of SOP circulated vide Postal Directorate letter No. A-34012/02/2022-DE dated 11.08.2022 and communicated to all concerned vide this office letter No. R& E/SOP/2022 dated 16.08.2022 and based on recommendation/comments received from question setter on report of moderation committee, answer keys for paper-I, II & III have been finalized. The same were uploaded on india Post Website on 10.09.2024
4 Now, as per guidelines mentioned in Para-(E) Stage-IV of Postal Directorate letter no. 17. 08/2018-SPN-1 dated 18.10.2023 (Unfilled vacancies of Postman/Mall Guard):- “After completion of Stage III if still some vacancies are left unfilled, those will be added to the vacancies earmarked for GDS candidates to arrive at the total vacancies available for GDS candidates and to decide category-wise vacancies” has also been included.
5. In pursuance of Postal Directorate, New Delhi letter No 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022, selection has been made strictly on merit based on marks secured in Paper I and Paper II (Combined i.e total of marks secured in Paper I and Paper II). Also secured in minimum qualifying marks in Paper III (Local Language) and Paper-IV (DEST).
6. The following are the qualifying criteria for Paper-I, II (Combined) & III for Postman/Mail Guard exam as per Dte. letter no. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022:-
7. The following are qualifying criteria for Paper-IV (Data Entry Skill Test) DEST for Postman/Mail Guard exam from MTS and GDS cadre as per Dte letter no. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 05.04.2022
Results are enclosed in following formats :-
(i) Annexure I (Result of GDS to PM-MG)