Notification : Departmental Examination for Promotion of Multi-Tasking Staff to Lower Division Clerk in PAOs

Sub: Notification regarding Holding of Departmental Examination for Promotion of Multi-Tasking Staff to Lower Division Clerk in PAOS.

PA Wing DoP HQ vide their letter under F. NO.03-09/2022/PACE/DE/3170- 3210 dated 03.04.2024 has communicated the calendar of Departmental Examinations to be held in the year 2024. The undersigned is directed by the competent authority to notify the schedule of the Departmental Examination for promotion of multi-tasking staff to Lower Division Clerk cadre in PAOs. The schedule of the said examination is given as under:

1Essay. Précis writing, Drafting and Grammar (Hindi/English without books)19.10.202409:30-12:00 hrs.
2Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness (Hindi/English without books)19.10.202413:00-15:30 hrs.
3Type test (On computer)19.10.202416:30-16:45 hrs.

2 The schedule of different activities related to conduct of aforesaid examinations is given below. The schedule should strictly be adhered to:

1Date of notification09.09.2024
2.Last Date of receipt of filled application forms27.09.2024
3.Date of issue of Admit cards08.10.2024*
4Date of examination19.10.2024*
5Date of declaration of resultsWithin one month of conduct of exam.

May change due to administrative reasons.

3. The question paper shall be both in English and Hindi. The candidates have the option to write the answer either in English or Hindi.

4. The format of the model application form is attached as Annexure-A and Model Admit Card as Annexure B.

5. The Syllabus and pattern of the examination: As circulated vide PA Wing Dak Bhawan letter no. 3-09/2022/PACE/DE/3211-3235 dated 03.04.2024.

6. Eligibility: Any MTS permanent or temporary, including those on deputation who have completed two years regular service & successfully completed prescribed probation period as on crucial date ie. 01.01.2024, will be eligible for appearing in the examination in terms of DoP HQ letter no. 3(2)/2005/PA Admn./Dated 13.12.2023 & 08.07.2024.

7. Number of attempts: As prescribed vide PA Wing letter no. 3(i)-PACE/242 dated 08.11.1976 and its amendments.

8. Qualifying/Pass Marks: As prescribed vide PA Wing letter no. 3(i)-PACE/242 dated 08.11.1976 and its amendments.

9. How to apply:

  • (i) The applicants are required to apply in the prescribed application form attched as Annexure-A. Blank application forms may be printed on A-4 size white paper.
  • (ii) The applicants will submit the filled application forms, duly attested by their controlling officers, to Accounts Officer (Admn), O/o the Director of Accounts (Postal), HP Circle, Sundernagar,

10. All disputes arising out of the process shall fall under jurisdiction of courts/tribunals vested with the jurisdiction over Himachal Pradesh.

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

Name of Examination: Departmental Examination for promotion of MTS to Lower Division Clerk in PAOs.

1. Name of the applicant (in block letters): ———————————————-

2 Present Post held: ———————————————-

3. Date of birth: ———————————————-

4. Date of appointment in the present cadre: ———————————————-

5. Total service as on 01.01.2024. ———————————————-

6. Whether completed probation period as on 01.01.2024. ——————————————-

7. Whether SC/ST/Others: ———————————————-

8. Whether belongs to PWD Category (Yes/No). (If yes, mention category and enclose necessary certificate)

9. Educational qualification: ———————————————-

10. Are appearing in the examination for first time: (If not, number of chances availed & exemptions if any)

11. Medium of examination opted (Hindi/English): ———————————————-

I……………………… hereby declare that the particulars furnished by me in this form above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and will be supported by the original documents as and when required. I fully understand that in case of false/incorrect information found at any stage, my candidature will be summarily rejected/ terminated and appropriate action would be taken against me.

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