PA Wing DoP HQ vide their letter under F.No.03-09/2022/PACE/DE/3170-3210 dated 03.04.2024 has communicated the Calendar of Departmental Examinations to be held in the year 2024. The undersigned is directed by the Competent Authority to notify the schedule of the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the promotion of MTS qualified(12th class passed)as Lower Division Clerk in PAOs for the year 2024. The schedule of the said Examination is given as under,
SI No. | Subject | Date | Time |
1 | Paper 1: Essay Precis writing Drafting and Grammar (without books) | 17.11.2024 (Saturday) | 09:30-12:00 hrs. |
2 | Paper II: Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness (without books) | 17.11.2024 (Saturday) | 13:00-15:30 hrs |
3 | Paper III: Type Test (On Computer) | 17.11.2024 (Saturday) | 16:15-16:30 hrs. # |
2. The schedule of different activities related to conduct of aforesaid examination is given below. The schedule should be strictly adhered to:-
Sl. No. | Activity | Date |
1 | Date of notification | 08/10/2024 |
2 | Last date of receipt of filled application forms | 16.10.2024 |
3 | Date of issue of Admit cards | By 05.11.2024* |
4 | Date of exam | 17.11.2024 |
5 | Date of declaration of Results | Within one month of conduct of the exam. |
The question paper shall be both in English & Hindi. The candidates have the option to write the answer either in English or Hindi.
4. The format of the application form and Admit Card is attached as Annexure-A.
5. The syllabus and pattern of the examination: As circulated vide PA Wing, Dak Bhawan letter no.3-09/2022/PACE/DK/3211-3235 dated 03.04.2024. Copy enclosed.
6. Vacancies:
7. Eligibility: As per the directorate clarification dated 07.11.2024,08.07.2024 and 13.12.2023, those MTS and equivalent cadres, who have passed 12th class and completed the prescribed. probation period as on crucial date le. 1st January of the vacancy year. Hence, the MTS and equivalent cadres of concerned unit should have completed 2 years of probation period in MTS cadre as on 01.01.2024. Eligibility of candidate will be decided as per the report of the Divisional Head/Head of Unit.
8. Venue: Venue of examination will be notified once the total number of applications are asecertained.
9. Qualifying/Pass Marks: 33% in each paper for SC-ST and 40% in each paper for other communities each in Paper I & II and type test will be for a minimum speed of 35 WPM in English or 30 WPM in Hindi Le. 525 words in English or 450 words in Hindi.
10. How to apply:
- The applicants are required to apply in the prescribed application for attached as Annexure-A. Blank application forms and admit card may be printed on A-4 size white paper.
- The applicants will submit the filled application forms, duly attested by their controlling officers/Head of Units. Only the application forwarded by Divisional Heads/Head of Units will be accepted for candidature.
- Candidate must affix recent passport size colour photograph in application and on the admit card with the application and submit. Photo on Admit card must be attested by the head of Unit.
10. All disputes arising out of the process shall fall under jurisdiction of courts/tribunals at Lucknow.

Sl. | CSID/Staff Number | Name of Applicant | Father’s Name | Date of Birth | Address | E-mall | Mobile No. | Date of Joining in MTS Cadre | Name of Unit | Whether Probation complete (Yes/No) | If yes in column 8 then 2 years complete in MTS cadre on 01.01.2024 (Yes/No) | Whether Eligible [Yes/No) |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Sub Revised syllabus tot the Departmental Examinations held in PAOs
Kind reference is invited towards letter no. 3(i)-PACE/ 242 dated 08.11.1976 & 3-21-90-PACE/1529 dated 31.12.1990. The syllabus for the below mentioned Departmental Examination held in PAOs have been revised in view of the revised manuals, rules and procedures of the Department
- (i) Departmental Contirmatory Exammation for Direct Recruit Junior Accountants (As per Annexure 1)
- (ii) Departmental Examination for Promotion of Lower Division Clerks to Junior Accountants in PAOs (As per Annexure 1)
- (iii) Departinental Examination for promotion of Sorters and MTS as Lower Division Clerks PAO (As per Annexure II)
- (iv) Limited Departmental Competitive examination for promotion of MTS Qualified (12th class passed) as Lower Division Clerks in PAOs (As per Annexure II)
2. The revised syllabus will come in to force from the examination scheduled for the vear 2024 onwards. All the rules/instructions/guidelines issued in connection with aforesaid examinations as amended from time to time will hold good.
3. The contents of this OM may please be given wide publicity among all concerned
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority. Hindi Version wall follow