Sub: Declaration of result of Special drive to fill up the vacant posts of cadre of Postman, Mall Guard in Delhi Circle from surplus qualified and willing GDSs candidates of LDCE, 2022 of all Circles.
Kindly find the result (Annexure-I) of aforesaid Special drive to fill up the vacant posts of cadre of Postman, Mall Guard for the vacancies upto the year 2022 in Delhi Circle from surplus qualified and willing GDSs candidates of LDCE, 2022 of all Circles.
- For selection in the aforementioned recruitment for the vacancy year 2022, Directorate instructions/Sop contained in Letter No. W-03/1/2020-SPN-I dated 26.06.2024 (circulated vide this office letter of even no. dated 01.07.2024), has been referred.
- The information relating to the Names of the candidates, Roll numbers, Community & Marks/percentage have been shown on the basis of information furnished by concerned Circles. The Circles are requested that particulars of selected candidates, viz. Names, Roll numbers, community and Marks/percentage including pending disciplinary proceedings & punishment under currency etc. may be checked. If any discrepancy is found in respect of any data/entry, the matter should immediately be reported to this office and respective appointment may be deferred until receipt of clearance from this office
- It may ensure that number of candidates allotted to Units is not more than the actual number of vacancies proposed to be filled through the said recruitment for the vacancy year 2022.
- Offer of appointment will be given by concerned Divisions/Units to selected candidates. The selected candidates have either to accept or refuse the offer of appointment within 30 days from the date of offer of appointment. If a candidate does not refuse the offer of appointment to join the offered post within the stipulated time, it shall be deemed to have been accepted. However, if such a candidate is already selected/appointed for/in higher post, doesn’t give his
- acceptance, it shall be deemed to have been refused. These provisions of ‘deemed acceptance’ and ‘deemed refusal’ should be communicated to the candidate.
- The concerned Circles are requested to send the dossier/personal file to the concerned Division where the candidate has been selected.
- The official may only be relived after the receipt of offer of appointment from concerned Division.In respect of reserved category candidates, “recruitment of the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their caste status. Head of the Unit will take an undertaking from the officials to this effect at the time of their relieving and ensure verification of caste status within one month”. The necessary pre-appointment formalities may be completed as per Rule & Instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
- This result is also subject to any change in merit list of selected candidates for any reason in accordance with the existing Rules and Instructions on the subject. It may be ensured that no Provisional candidate is given appointment without clearance of provisional candidature.