Subject: Proposal for Setting up of Independent Delivery Centre for centralized delivery of all types of articles
1. At present, India Post maintains network of 19,500 delivery Post offices. However, a majority of the delivery post offices are single handed or double-handed Post offices and there is lack of monitoring mechanism to supervise delivery work in these Post offices. Further, Department has implemented delivery of parcels through Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs) and it has resulted in the improvement in the delivery of the parcels being delivered through NDCs.
2 Besides, there is a need to separate delivery function of the Post offices from frontend operations i.e. booking counters. At present, delivery related function is one of the work of the Post office and it is very difficult to perform specific delivery related functions on the Sunday/holiday or second delivery or to perform delivery services from early morning or late evening as is the practice in the Courier Express Parcel (CEP) market.
3 Therefore, in order to overcome these difficulties and to bring focus to delivery with improved monitoring mechanism, Mail Operations Division is working on the proposal for operationalization of Independent Delivery Centres (IDC)s for delivery of all types of articles i.e. Speed Post document, Registered Post, parcels, ordinary mail, etc.
3.1 Each IDC will comprise of 50 to 80 delivery beats wherein delivery jurisdiction of existing delivery Post offices will be merged into the IDC. Each IDC will also be provided with dedicated supervisory staff as well as other staff in the IDC. Going forward, Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs) already operationalized by the Circles for delivery of Parcels, will be merged with IDCs or co- located with IDCs in line with policy of the Department for setting up integrated facilities.
4 Each IDC is proposed to be set up in the area of around ~1,500 Sq. Ft. to 3,000 Sq. Ft. (depending upon the number of delivery beats to be operationalized from IDC) with provision of parking of 2-wheeler and 4-wheeler vehicles. 50 Greenfield IDCs (involving construction of IDC building) and 1800 brownfield IDC (to be opened in existing buildings with necessary civil/electrical work) is proposed to be set up from 2025-26 to 2028-29 under Postal Infrastructure Management Scheme of the Department.
5. A meeting regarding planning for the implementation of the Postal Infrastructure Management Scheme is scheduled to be held by Secretary (Posts) with all the Circles on 17.01.2024 at 10.00 as was previously communicated by the Parcel Directorate. One of the agenda point for the discussion is the setting up of Independent Delivery Centre (IDC).
6. Accordingly, Circles are requested to start the process of identifying the land for setting up the 200 Greenfield IDC and the existing facilities for setting up the brownfield IDCs. An excel sheet containing details of 1472 vacant land details is also attached. Detailed policy guidelines on setting up of Independent Delivery Centre will be issued in due course.
7. An action taken report in the matter may be shared with the Postal Directorate by 16.01.2024 on e-mail i. d. mailbusiness@indiapost.gov.in and mailbusinessdte@gmail.com