References are being received from Circles regarding process to be followed in such scenario where more than one candidates have scored equal marks in departmental examination/direct recruitment examination.
2. In such scenario, following procedures shall be followed for departmental examination / direct recruitment examination: –
(A). In case of promotion of Departmental employee from lower post to higher post (e.g. Promotion of MTS or Postman or Mail Guard to Postal Assistant or Sorting Assistant), inter-se rank/merit may be decided in the following order: –
i. In case of the officials belonging to different feeder cadres, official in the higher grade will be higher in rank than the official in the lower grade.
ii. In case of the officials belonging to same feeder cadre where there is common seniority/gradation list, official senior in such list will be higher in rank than the official junior in the list.
iii. In case of the officials belonging to same feeder cadre where there is no common seniority/gradation list, the date of joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e. the official who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be higher in rank.
iv. In case of the officials belonging to different feeder cadres with identical pay level, the date of joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e. the official who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be higher in rank.
v. In case of (iii) & (iv), if their date of joining in the feeder cadre is also same, the date of birth will be the criteria i.e. the person who is older will be placed higher than the younger.
(B). In case of direct recruitment including the appointment of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) on regular basis to another post, viz. MTS, Postman, Postal Assistant, etc.), inter-se rank/merit may be decided in the following order:-
i. Inter-se rank/merit will be decided as per date of birth where the older candidate will be placed higher than the younger candidate for all categories including GDS candidates.
ii. In respect of GDS candidate, if date of birth is also same, the person who is senior in the common seniority / gradation list of GDS will be placed higher and if there is no common seniority / gradation list than the GDS who was engaged earlier on continuous basis shall be placed higher in rank/merit.
3. The cases already settled need not be reopened based on these instructions.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)