Procedure for delivery of Registered Letter (s) by serving of intimation to the addressee.
Standard remarks to be recorded on articles, which caqnot be delivered and are to be returned.
While monitoring and evaluating the delivery performance of Project Arrow
Post offices, it was felt that there is some confusion regarding serving intimation
to the addressee of Registered Letter(s) and recording of remarks on articles,
which cannot be delivered. The procedure for serving intimation, remarks to be
recorded on undelivered articles, the period of retention of articles in deposit and
record of the attempts made to deliver article is given below to clarify the position
for all concerned, The earlier instructions issued on the subject are modified to
the extent below.
2.Intimation to the Addressee.
- (i) lntimation to the addressee is to be served by the postman for Registered Letter at the premises if the premises are locked or to the inmates if premises is open and the addressee is not available on the first attempt. signature of inmate of premises to whom intimation is delivered will be obtained in the Book of lntimation and Notices Delivered (Rule 162 P&T Manual Volume.Vl Part-l refers) by the postman. lf the intimation is delivered at the locked premises a remark to this effect will be, recorded in the said book.
- (ii) One more attempt to deliver such articles will be made on the following working day (of serving intimation). The addressee can also choose the day for this attempt for delivery by informing the delivery post office before the Postman leaves for delivery.
- (iii) The form of intimation has been slightly modified to enable customers to select the day of re-attempt for delivery of the article. A specimen of the revised form and the detailed procedure is given at Annexure-A.
2.1 If the article is not claimed by the addresses within six days of serving the Intimation the article will be returned with the remarks “Unclaimed”
2.11 The instructions in para 3 may also be seen where articles can be returned before six days
3. Standard remarks on undelivered articles
- (i) Articles which cannot be delivered will be returned to the sender or RLO as the case may be as per prescribed procedure. The reasons for non-delivery will be indicated only by use of the standard remarks given below:
- Refused Unclaimed
- Not known Deceased
- Left India Left Redirected
- Insufficient Address
- (ii) The above remarks will be indicated by means of a rubber stamp. No entries will be made in hand as far as possible. The relevant remarks will be ticked and authenticated with the signatures of the official responsible to record the remarks
- (iii) Article(s) where the addressee refuses to take delivery or the addressee is no more i.e. deceased or the addressee is known to have gone away from India without leaving instructions to Post Office as to the redirection of correspondence of those bearing in sufficient address should be returned to the sender or the RLO on the same day.
- (iv) If any of the above reasons come any article for come to light for any which intimation has been served then such articles need not be kept in deposit for the prescribed period and should be returned on the same day.
- (v) Article(s) which cannot be delivered for any other reason such as Unclaimed “Unknown” and “Left” will be returned to the sender or RLO as the case may be after the period of deposit is over of attempts to locate the address or addressee have failed.
4. Record of attempts for delivery on the delivery slip and Postman Module.
- (i). The Delivery Slip generated by the Postman Module of the Meghdoot Millennium prepared every day for each beat will be the record for the following:
- Delivery of the article-Signature of the addressee or the authorized representative,
- Reason for delivery of intimation,
- Reason for failure for delivery,
- Result of the re/attempt for delivery of an article for which intimation has been served
- (ii). In computerized offices, the record of delivery and non-delivery will be in the Postman Module made at the time of taking returns from the Postman. In non-computerized offices the record of non-delivery will be in delivery slip.
5. Redirection
When registered articles are to be redirected, new address of addressee should be written on the delivery slip with date of redirection and on the article. In computerized offices, the record of redirection will be made in Postman Module while taking return from the Postman. The article will be dispatched to new destination immediately.
6. Window Delivery
- (i). Each delivery office will clearly display to the customers the location and the timings of window delivery counter from which the addressees or their authorized representatives can collect their article(s).
- (ii). The Memo of Distribution of Work will clearly indicate which Postal Assistant and the Supervisor will be responsible for Window Delivery.
7. The instructions issued vide order numbers cited above are modified accordingly. The following Annexure are sent with this letter:
- Annexure A – Specimen of new intimation slip.
- Annexure B – Explanation of Standard remarks.