Himachal Pradesh Circle Notification PA/SA LDCE 2024
Applications are Invited in the format enclosed (Annexure -l) from the willing and eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria as given in subsequent paras, for appearing in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of Postal Assistant (Circle Office), Postal Assistants (Post Office) and Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service) for the vacancy year 2024 (01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024). The schedule of activities for the examination are as under: –
Sr. No. | Activity | Schedule |
1. | Date of Notification | 12.06.2024 (Wednesday) |
2. | Last date for receipt of Application form at Divisional Office/ Controlling Unit from eligible candidates. | 03.07.2024 (Wednesday) |
3. | Receipt of duly filled in application forms at the Circle Office (Nodal Officer) to be sent ‘by Divisional Office/ Controlling Unit duly verified | After issuing admit cards for Paper Ill i.e. DEST (Data Entry and Skill Test) by Divisional Office/ Controlling Unit, applications may be sent immediately to Circle Office (R&E Section |
4. | Issue of Admit Card by Divisional Office/ Unit to eligible candidates for Paper I & Il | 15.07.2024 (Monday) |
5. | Date of Examination | 21″ July, 2024 (Sunday) |
6. | Venue of Exam | Exact location and venue will be intimated in due course through Admit Cards. |
2. Vacancies: Details of tentative (subject to change) vacancies for the vacancy year 2024 (01-012024 to 31-12-2024) are as under:
- Cadre-wise vacancy
Name of cadre | Vertical Vacancies | Horizontal Vacancies | |||||||
UR | sc | ST | Total | VH | OH | HH | Others | Total for PWBDS* * | |
Postal Assistant (Circle Office) | 05 | 02 | 01 | 08 | O | O | o | o | |
Postal Assistant (Post Office) | 62 | 12 | 06 | 80 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service including Mail Motor Service) | 04 | 02 | 01 | 07 | o | o | O | O | 0 |
- Division-wise vacancy:
- Postal Division/Unit:
Name of Division | No. of vacancies |
Chamba | 11 |
Dehra | 10 |
Dharamsala | 13 |
Hamirpur | 07 |
Mandi | 20 |
Rampur | 07 |
Shimla | 03 |
Solan | 04 |
Una | 05 |
2. Railway Mail Service Division/Unit
Name of Division | No. of vacancies |
RMS HP Division, Mandi | 07 |
DoP&T vide 0M No.36012/1/2020-Estt. (Res.-Il) dated 28.12.2023, received from Directorate vide letter No. SC-12/9/2022 SCT-DOP dated 09.01.2024 and circulated to all divisions/units vide this office endorsement No. R&E/78-11/2014 dated 19.01.2024, issued a set of instructions regarding reservation in promotion to PwBDs The Proviso of Section 34 of the RPWD Act 2016 provides that the reservation in promotion shall be in accordance with such instructions as are issued by the appropriate Government from time to time.
As per the DoPT Office Memorandum No. 36012/1/2020-Estt. (Res.-Il) dated 17.05.2022, four percent (4%) of the total no. of vacancies in the cadre strength within Group ‘C’, from Group ‘C to Group ‘B’ and Group ‘B’ to the lowest rung of Group ‘A’ shall be reserved for PWBDs. Reservation in promotion shall be applicable in the cadres in which the element of direct recruitment, if any does not exceed 75%.
3. Eligibility Criteria: As per the Department of Posts (Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules 2022 notified in GSR 459 (E) dated 17.06.2022, as amended vide Department of Posts (Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 2023, notified vide
GSR 21 (E) dated 13.01.2023, the following categories of official (s), excluding officials from Postal Account Office or Wing, are eligible to appear in the examination: –
Category (A)
(i). Officials holding post in Level 3 of the Pay Matrix with three years of regular service in such post or five years of combined regular service in posts in Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of the Pay Matrix.
(ii). Officials holding post in Level 2 of the Pay Matrix with five years of regular service in such post including the regular service in posts in Level 1 of the Pay Matrix.
(iii). Officials holding post in Level 1 of the Pay Matrix with five years of regular service in such post.
Category (B):
(i), Officials holding post in Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of the Pay Matrix with total regular service of eight years including service rendered regularly as Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Provided that for officials holding post in Level l, Level 2 and Level 3 of the pay Matrix, who have rendered regular service as Gramin Dak Sevaks on or before 17.06.2022, the total regular service including the service rendered regularly as Gramin Dak Sevaks shall be five years.
Note 1: – The eligibility of service condition shall be as on 01.01.2024.
Note 2: – The officials mentioned at Category (B) above will be considered only if sufficient officials mentioned at category (A) are not available for filling up the notified vacancy.
Note 3: – Eligibility of an official shall be determined with respect to the post held substantively and relevant pay level of the post in Pay Matrix and not with respect to the level in which an official is drawing pay as on the crucial date of eligibility by virtue of financial upgradation under the Time Bound One Promotion, Biennial Cadre Review or Modified Assured Career Progression etc.
4. Pattern & Syllabus of Examination: The examination will be conducted as per the revised pattern and syllabus circulated by Directorate vide letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 10.05.2019 under Annexure -C which shall be read with letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I (pt.)dated 10.06.2019 and 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 20.06.2019, 26-06-2019, 28-06-2019, 11-07-2019, 23-07-2019, letter no. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 09.09.2021, letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I (pt.) dated 21.11.2022, letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 19.12.2022, 24.04.2023 and 29.05.2024 enclosed as Annexure-ll.
Note: (I). The component of local language test (Paper -Il) has been removed vide letter No. 1708/2018-SPN-I dated 29.05.2024.
Note: (Il). The Data Entry & Skill test (DEST) will be conducted subsequently as per the Instructions on the subject mentioned in Directorate’s letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 19.12.2022.
5. Preference/Option: – Applicants are required to indicate the order of preference for cadre and then give order of preference for Division/Unit as per instructions issued vide DOP letter No. W04/8/2022-SPN-I dated 26110.2023. The proforma for order of preference for cadres and Divisions/ Units (in a proforma i.e. Annexure-ill). Allotment of Division/ Unit will be made as per merit-cum preference basis subject to availability of vacancy.
6. Centres of Examination: – The examination will be conducted at Circle Headquarters only. The candidates will have to appear from the respective Centres of their Circle only and under no circumstances, they will be permitted to appear from other Circle Centres.
7. The application of the APS candidates should be sent to the concerned Divisions/Units only.
8. The Guidelines issued vide letter No.29-6/2019-DD-ItI dated 10.08.2022 (as modified time to time) by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) regarding grant of scribe and compensatory time to eligible disable persons shall be followed in letter and spirit.
9. All instructions issued by Directorate vide letter No.X-7/6/2022 -SPN-II dated 17.05.2023 as amended vide letter No. X-7/6/2022 -SPN-II dated 22,09.2023 and 04.03.2024 regarding promotion of Government servants through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination Against whom disciplinary/criminal prosecution are pending will be followed scrupulously.
10. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued vide letter No. A-34012/02/2022-DE dated 11.08.2022 and letter dated 21.09.2023 to be followed in the conduct of the examination at every stage
11. The Competent Authority reserves the rights to cancel this notification or change or modify in the schedule, pattern & syllabus of the examination partially and completely at any point of time.
12. The candidates who are willing to apply for the examination should ensure that they fulfil/ satisfy all the eligibility criteria/conditions/instructions mentioned above for appearing in the examination.
13. The candidate should attach following documents along with application form duly filled in his/her own handwriting:
(l). Latest Self-Attested photocopy of Community/ Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) issued by the competent authority, if applicable.
(ii). 05 (Five) identical passport size self-attested photographs (one photograph pasted at appropriate prescribed space on application form and Four photographs separately for office use).
(iii). Self-attested photocopy of matriculation mark sheet issued by recognized board of school education.
14. The Divisional/Unit Heads should ensure proper verification of Date of birth, service particulars, Educational Qualification, community w.r.t. service record of each candidate. Duly consolidated data in the enclosed Annexure-IV to be prepared in Excel Format be sent to the Circle Office immediately on last date of receipt of application from candidates i.e. 03.07.2024 through email. Also, soft copy of same may be emailed to this office at email Id:staff.hp@indiapost.gov.in / ssstaffhp@gmail.com. The applications of candidates may be sent immediately to this office after issuing admit cards for Paper Ill i.e. DEST (Data Entry and Skill Test).
15. Application received directly or received after prescribed closing date as mentioned above or without required documents or not signed by the candidate and most importantly not in prescribed application form along with the proforma for submitting preference will not be entertained under any circumstances whatsoever & will be summarily rejected.
16. This notification may be given wide publicity amongst all eligible candidates working in Divisions/ Units.
17. This notification is also available on the Departmental Website i.e. www.indlapost.gov.in.
18. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Enclosures: Annexure — l, Il, Ill & IV.