GDS Online Engagement Schedule, July-2024- Descriptive notification and engagement schedule
NOTIFICATION No. 17-03/2024-GDS dated 12.07.2024
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Online Engagement Schedule, July 2024
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) [i.e, Branch Postmaster (BPM)/Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)/Dak Sevaks] in different offices of the Department of Posts. The detail of the vacant posts is given in Annexure-I. The applications are to be submitted online at the following link https://indiapostgdsonline.gov.in.
2. Registration/Online application/Edit-correction Window:
The candidates would need to register themselves before submitting an online application. They would need a valid Mobile No. and active email address for registration purposes. A candidate can have only one registration to submit an online application. Filling up duplicate/multiple registrations/applications are not allowed and filling up of duplicate/multiple applications would invite cancellation of all the applications filled by the candidate. The applicants are not required to attach any document with the application form. However, they will have to upload their recent photograph and signature in the portal.
The detailed instructions for registration and filing up the online application form are given in the Annexure-II. The candidates are advised to carefully fill their registration and application forms, and review the same before final submission. Still there is a mistake, the candidates need not to register again, as there would be an opportunity to edit/correct the registration/application form after the stipulate closing date. The edit/correction window of three days will be provided. The schedule of registration and edit/correction window is as under:
SI No | Activities | Schedule |
i. | Registration and submission of online applications | 15.07.2024 to 05.08.2024 |
ii. | Edit/Correction window | 06.08.2024 to 08.08.2024 |
The applicants must clearly understand that the GDSs are not regular employees of the Department and their emoluments, allowances and other entitlements are not at par with the Central Government employees. Their service conditions are governed by Department of Posts, Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2020 [referred to as GDS Rules], as revised from time to time and not framed under the Article 309 of the Constitution of India. They are holders of Civil Posts outside the civil services of state. They are required to serve, mostly, in rural areas to render the services of the Department. As per Rule 3 A of the said GDS Rules, they are required to work for minimum for a period of four hours and maximum for five hours a day and then cannot be retained as Sevak beyond 65 years of age. A sevak should have other source of income besides the allowances to be paid by the Government for adequate means of livelihood for himself and his family. The candidates selected as BPMs are required to arrange accommodation for running the post office (called as Branch Post Office) at their own cost. The candidates are advised to carefully go through the said GDS Rules, which are available on the official website of the Department. The brief job profiles of different categories of GDSs are as under:
The Job Profile of Branch post Master include:
a) Day to day postal operations of Branch post Office (B.O) and India post Payments Bank (IPPB) in the manner as prescribed by the Department from time to time.
b) Marketing and promotions of products and services being provided by the Department and operating various services in the customer services’ centres (CSC) of the Department etc.
c) In the single-handed BOs, BPMs have the overall responsibility of smooth and timely functioning of the Office, including mail conveyance and mail delivery.
d) In the BOs other than single handed, the BPMs may be assisted by ABPM(s). However, BPM will be required to do combined duties of ABPM(s) as and when ordered or in the case of non-availability of ABPM (s). Any other work may also be assigned by superiors like Mail Overseer (M.O)/Inspector Post (IPO)/Assistant Superintendent of post (ASPOs)/Superintendent of post offices (SPOs)/Senior Superintendent of post Office (SSPOs) etc.
e) Residence/Accommodation: The applicant selected as GDS BPM will have to provide accommodation for Branch post Office after selection but before engagement. A declaration to this effect with details of accommodation is to be submitted before engagement. The applicant so selected will be required to reside in post village (the village in which the BO is functioning) only. The accommodation should meet the standards as prescribed by this Directorate letter No. 17-02/2018-GDS dated 08.03.2019 as amended from time to time.
The Job Profile of Assistant Branch post Master include:
a) Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, exchange the mail with account office etc. deposit/payments/other transactions of IPPB.
b) To assist BPM in postal operations in a manner as prescribed by the Department from time to time.
c) Marketing and promotions of products and services being provided by Department and operating various services in the Customer Services’ Centres (CSC) of the Department etc.
d) ABPM may also be required to do combined duties of the BPM as and when ordered or in case of non-availability of BPM in addition to his/her regular duties.
e) Any other work assigned by superiors like MO/IPO/ASPO/SPOS/SSPOS etc
(f) Residence: ABPM’s are required to reside within the delivery jurisdictions of the Post Office (BO) concerned.
iii. Dak Sevak
Dak Sevaks will be engaged in Departmental Offices line Sub Post Offices, Head Post Offices & offices of Railway Mails Services etc. The Job Profile of Dak Sevak include:
a) Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster
b) Dak Sevaks may have to work in sorting offices of Railway Mail Service (RMS).
c) Dak Sevaks in the Mail offices will handle receipt- dispatch of mailbags, transhipment of bags etc.
d) Dak Sevaks will also assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOS/SSPOS/SRM/SSRM etc.
e) Residence: – Dak Sevaks are required to reside within delivery jurisdictions of the Post Office (HO/SO) concerned.
The GDSs are paid emoluments in form of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA), which carry an annual increase of 3%, subject to fulfilment of conditions, as given in the GDS Rules. They are also entitled to Dearness Allowance on TRCA, as declared by the Govt. of India from time to time. The GDSs are also entitled to some other allowances and social security benefits, which include, GDS Gratuity and Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (akin to New Pension Scheme applicable to regular employees), whose details are given under the GDS Rules and official website of the Department. The initial engagement of GDS is made in the following basic TRCA Slabs:
SI No | Category | TRCA Slab |
I. | BPM | Rs.12,000-Rs.29,380/- |
II. | ABPM/Dak Sevaks | Rs.10,000-Rs.24,470/- |
5.1. AGE Limits:
i. Minimum age: 18 years
Maximum age: 40 years
Subject to relaxations as per sub para (a) below]
ii. Age will be determined as on the last dale of submission of applications: –
a. Relaxations in upper age limit: –
SI No. | Category | Permissible age relaxation |
1. | Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) | 5 years |
2. | Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 3 years |
3. | Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | No relaxation |
4. | Persons with Disabilities (PWD) | 10 years |
5. | Persons with Disabilities (PWD) + OBC | 13 years |
6. | Disabilities (PWD) + SC/ST | 15 years |
(a) Educational qualification for engagement of GDS is Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics and English conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India.
(b) The applicant should have studied the local language at least up to 10th Standard from a recognized board. The detail of post-wise local language prescribed by the Department is given in the Annexure-III
(c) Special Provision for engagement of GDS in the state of Arunachal Pradesh
The Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh has declared 23 tribal languages/dialects spoken in the state as Third Language’ vide their Notification No. SJETA-1601/10/2023 dated 09.02.2024. Therefore, the Department has made special provision for engagement of GDS in the State of Arunachal Pradesh, which will be applicable for five years from 01.03.2024, as under:
Candidates applying for engagement as GDS in the offices situated in Arunachal Pradesh, should have the knowledge both, the languages, i.e, (i) ‘English or Hindi’ studied at least upto 10th standard and (ii) any of the tribal local languages/dialects, notified as third language from time to time by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. As these tribal local languages/dialects are not taught upto 10th Standard at present in schools, the proficiency of the same in the will be ascertained by the Department based on certificate to be issued by the concerned Deputy Commissioners or any other officer authorized by the Government of Aurnachal Pradesh in this behalf, which will have to be produced by the shortlisted candidate at the time of physical verification of the documents. Failure to produce this document will entail cancellation of candidature.
i. Knowledge of computer
ii. Knowledge of cycling
iii. Adequate means of livelihood
(a) Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/ PWBD/ EWS must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in this notification. They should also be in possession of a valid certificate in the prescribed format in support of their claim.
(b) Format of Certificates: Applicants, who wish to be considered for reserved vacancies or seek age relaxation, will have to produce the requisite certificate from the competent authority in the prescribed Format in Annexure-V at the time of physical verification of documents. In case of failure to produce certificate in original, their candidature will be cancelled. In case of non-availability of caste certificate in the prescribed format, the shortlisted candidate, subject to verification of other documents, would be provisional selected and would require to submit the same within 15 days from the date of offer of provisional engagement. Failure in submitting
the certificate during this period her/his candidature will be rejected and the post will be offered to the next available candidate in the subsequent lists to be issued by the Department. The conditions for issue of offer of provisional engagement and process for issuance of lists of shortlisted candidates is given in para (9) below.
(c) There will be no relaxation in upper age limit to EWS applicants. However, the persons belonging to EWS who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SC, ST and OBC shall get 10% reservation in engagement to the GDS posts.
(d) A person seeking engagement on the basis of reservation to EWS must ensure that she/he is in possession of a valid Income Certificate in accordance with the guidelines of the Central Government given in the Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.2019.
(e) Engagement of GDS will be subject to the instructions issued by the Department of Posts regarding the reservation of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD categories. The applicants may go through the following instructions available on the official website of the Department: –
i. No. 19-11/97-ED & TRG dated 27.11 1997
ii. No. 17-08/2017-GDS dated 26.02.2019
iii. No.17-08/2017-GDS dated 02.06.2022
iv. No.17-08/2017-GDS dated 02.06.2022
(f) Candidates with only benchmark physical disability will be considered as PWBD and entitled to age-relaxation/ reservation for Persons with Disabilities. The permissible disability for PwD applicants is as under: –
Sl No | Category of GDS | Categories of disability suitable for GDS posts |
BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevaks | a) Low vision (LV); b) D(Deaf), HH (Hard of hearing); c) One Arm (OA), One leg (OL), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim and d) Specific learning disability /Intellectual disability. Multiple disabilities from amongst disabilities mentioned at (a) to (d) above except Deaf and Blindness. |
Applications are to be submitted in the online mode only at https://indiapostgdsonline.gov.in. Applications received from any other mode shall not be entertained and no communication in this respect will be entertained/replied. Detail instructions for registration, payment of fee, documents to be uploaded with application, selection of posts etc. are given in Annexure-II.
(i) The applicants will be shortlisted for engagement on the basis of a system generated merit list.
(ii) The Merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained/ conversion of Grades/Points to marks (as explained in sub paras – iii to xiii below) in Secondary School Examination of 10th standard of recognised Boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals
iii) For applicants where Secondary School Examination of 10th standard mark sheet contains the marks as mentioned in each subject or marks and Grade/Points both, their total marks will be worked out by taking into account the ‘marks obtained’. In case any applicant applies with grades/points instead of marks, his/her application will be liable for cancellation. However, if for any particular subject (s) only grades are mentioned in the mark sheet then for that subject (s) grades can be mentioned and the same need not to be converted to the marks by the candidates
(iv) For applicants having only grades subject-wise marks will be arrived for each subject, by applying the multiplying factor of 9.5 in the following manner:
Grade | Grade Point | Multiplication factor |
A1 | 10 | 9.5 |
A2 | 9 | 9.5 |
B1 | 8 | 9.5 |
B2 | 7 | 9.5 |
C1 | 6 | 9.5 |
C2 | 5 | 9.5 |
D | 4 | 9.5 |
(v) In case of the marks lists contain the Grades/ Points, marks will be reckoned by taking conversion of Grades and points with the multiplication factor (9.5) against the maximum points or grade as 100.
(vi) Where Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is also provided, the marks will be arrived at by multiplying the CGPA by 9.5. Where individual grades in each subject as well as CGPA is given, the higher of the two marks will be taken. It is to clarify that the candidates are not required to convert their points/grades into marks and are required to mention the grades/points only (wherever applicable), while filling up the online application. The conversion of grades/points to the marks would be carried out by the system before declaration of result for the purpose of arriving at the merit.
(vii) There are certain boards, like, Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE) which awards both, the Percentage and the Grade Points in the Secondary
School certificate to their candidates. In such cases the merit will be generated based on the percentage given in the marksheet. The applicants are, therefore, required to fill the ‘Percentage of marks obtained against each subject, while filling up the application form. In case an applicant applies with Grade Points instead of Percentage, his/her application will be liable for disqualification.
(viii) The State Board of School Examinations (SBSE), Tamilnadu” has not awarded marks or grade points to their candidates in the Secondary level certificates for year 2020-2021 due to Covid and instead awarded a pass certificate to all the candidates. Therefore, the system will award a uniform 66.67% in a such cases. Candidate has to select “Pass” against each subject while online apply.
(ix) While preparing the merit list in case of tie among the applicants, the same would be decided on the basis of following priority order: –
“DOB (Older in age), ST trans-woman, ST female, SC trans- woman, SC female, OBC trans-woman, OBC female, EWS trans- woman, EWS female, UR trans-woman, UR female, ST trans-male, ST Male, SC trans-male, SC Male, OBC trans-male, OBC male, EWS trans- male, EWS male, UR trans-male, UR male.
The Department would have the liberty and sole right to introduce any additional criteria in case of ‘Tie’ to determine the merit. The decision of the Department shall be final.
(x) Applications submitted without complete data will be rejected. In case an applicant uploads wrong documents/information and unnecessary documents, his/her candidature will be rejected.
(xi) Shortlisted applicants will have to submit an undertaking in the format annexed as Annexure-IX, regarding liability in case of furnishing fake/incorrect information/details in the form.
(xii) The candidates must write their name, Date of Birth, father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in the Matriculation Certificates.
(xiii) Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature will be rejected.
(i) The list of applicants shortlisted for engagement will be released by the Department on its website and GDS Online Portal. Upon declaration of the results, the shortlisted candidates will be informed of the result and dates of physical verification etc, through SMS on their registered mobile number as well as through email on the registered email addresses. However, in case of non receipt of SMS/Email on the registered Mobile/Email address due to technical or any other reasons, the Department would not be responsible and no communication in this respect will be entertained. Therefore, the applicants are advised to visit the website/Portal on a regular basis for latest updates.
(ii) Thereafter, the shortlisted candidates would require to attend the designated authority for physical verification of documents. While attending for documents verification the candidates will be required to carry following documents in original and two sets of self-attested photocopies for submission, which may be :-
- Marks sheet
- Identity proof
- Caste certificate
- PWD certificate
- EWS Certificate
- Transgender certificate
- Date of Birth Proof
- Medical certificate issued by a Medical officer of any Government Hospital/Government Dispensaries/Government Primary Health Centre etc. (Compulsory)
- Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in respect of knowledge of tribal/local dialects in case of engagement in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
(iii) The final selection of the shortlisted applicants will be subject to two stage physical verification of the original documents, firstly by the Verifying Authority chosen by the applicant at the time of filling up the application. This will be further subject to second stage verification by the Engaging Authority. The Engaging Authority for the post of BPM is the Divisional Head of the concerned Division and for other categories of posts, i.e., ABPM and Dak Sevak, the Engaging Authority is Sub Divisional Head/Unit Head. However, where the candidate has selected a Divisional Head for verification of documents, who happens to be, either the engaging authority himself or the Engaging Authority is immediately subordinate to him in the same Division/Unit, both, the first and second stage verification would be carried out by the that authority, which would expedite the process of verification of documents and the joining of the candidate on the posts. Therefore, in the interest of expediency, the candidates may appropriately choose the verifying authority. Based on the verifying authority selected for verification of physical documents, the process for verification would be as under:
A) When the Verifying Authority is itself neither the Engaging Authority nor immediate superior to the Engaging Authority:
(a) The first stage physical verification in such cases will be carried out by the verifying authority selected by the candidate, who will be a Divisional Head of Division, other than of the Division in which the candidate is shortlisted. The candidate will have to report to the VA along with the documents, as mentioned in sub para (ii) above within the stipulated period (i.e, within a period of 15 days). The documents brought for verification will be checked with original documents and uploaded by the VA on the portal and two sets of photocopies would be retained. Upon successful first stage verification of documents, the ‘offer of provisional engagement’ will be issued to such candidates after the last date fixed for verification of all the shortlisted candidates in the same list. All such candidates whose first stage verification is found to be successful will receive an offer of provisional engagement through the system generated SMS on their respective
registered mobile no. as well as on the registered email address, which would contain the details of the Engaging Authority to whom they would be required to report along with timelines.
(b) On receipt of the offer of provisional engagement, the candidates will be required to approach the designated Engaging Authority by the stipulated date (i.e, within a period of 15 days). The System will initially provide a period of 10 days for reporting to EA and then a second and final reminder would be sent giving an extended time of 05 more days. The candidate would again be required to carry all the documents as mentioned in sub para (ii) above.
(c) Upon successful verification by the EA the candidate will be required to undergo the pre-engagement formalities for joining within a period of 30 days from the date reporting to the EA, which, inter-alia, include prescribed basic training of 3 days, arrangement of accommodation etc. Failure to complete these formalities or not joining there after due to any reason whatsoever would invite cancellation of the candidature immediately, on expiry of the said stipulated period of 30 days and the post will be offered to the next candidate.
d) In case of non availability of caste certificate in the prescribed format, at the time of first stage verification, the shortlisted candidate would require to submit the same within 15 days from the date of offer of provisional engagement (i.e., the last date to report the EA), failing which his candidature will be rejected.
(B) When the Verifying Authority and Engaging Authority are same or the Engaging Authority is immediate subordinate to the Verifying Authority
(a) In this situation, both the, first stage and second stage physical verification of documents would be carried out by the verifying authority
(for both BPMs and ABPMs/Dak Sevaks), who will be a Divisional Head of Division in which the candidate is shortlisted. The candidate will have to report to the VA alongwith the documents, as mentioned in sub para (ii) above within the stipulated period (i.e, within a period of 15 days). The documents brought for verification will be checked with original documents and uploaded by the VA on the portal and two sets of photocopies would be retained. Upon successful verification of documents, the offer of provisional engagement will be issued to such candidates, immediately. The successful candidates will receive an offer of provisional engagement through the system generated SMS on registered mobile no. as well as on the registered email address, which would contain the details of the Authority to whom they would be required to report for pre-engagement formalities. The candidate would require to complete pre-engagement formalities for joining within a period of 30 days from reporting to the Verifying Authority (who may be EA as well in case of BPM), which, interalia, include prescribed basic training of 3 days, arrangement of accommodation etc. Failure to complete these formalities or not joining there after due to any reason whatsoever, would invite cancellation of the candidature immediately, on completion of stipulated period of 30 day and the post will be offered to the next candidate.
b) In case of non availability of caste certificate in the prescribed format at the time verification of documents, the shortlisted candidate would require to submit the same within 15 days from the date of offer of provisional engagement, failing which his candidature will be rejected.
(iv) In both the above situations (as mentioned in A and B above), on successful completion the pre-engagement formalities, pending verification of documents from the issuing authorities and antecedent verification, an order of provisional engagement will be issued by the respective Engaging Authorities and the candidate would be allowed to join accordingly.
(v) On receipt of verification reports from the issuing authorities/antecedent report, the final order of engagement will be issued to regularize the engagement of GDS.
(vi) To sum up, the candidature of the candidates shortlisted in the any list will be cancelled in the following situations and Department will issue supplementary lists against the shortlisted candidates who:
(a) fail to turn up with EA/VA within the stipulated time for verification of documents.
(b) whose verification of documents with EA/VA remains unsuccessful\
(c) who fail to complete the joining formalities within the stipulated period,
(d) non submission of the caste certificate in the prescribed format within the stipulated period
(e) who are not willing to join or have resigned after joining or failed to join due to any reason within a period of 30 days from reporting to the EA
(vii) Shortlisted candidates in supplementary lists will have to undergo the same process for verification of documents/pre-engagement formalities as discussed in the foregoing paragraphs. The process of engagement would be closed and no further list of shortlisted candidates will be issued after 31.12.2024. However, the Department may at its discretion modify/extend the dates for various activities without assigning any reasons and its decision in the matter will be final
(a) The Department and engaging authorities of each post reserves the right to modify, cancel the notification or revise the number of posts at any time without assigning any reason or to stop the engagement process altogether.
(b) Department is not responsible for non-receipt of email/SMS to the applicants due to any reasons and the candidates are, therefore, advised to continue to visit the online engagement portal regularly for the latest updates.
(c) The Department does not make any phone calls to the applicants/shortlisted candidates. The correspondence, if any, will be made with applicants through respective Engaging Authority only. Applicants are advised not to disclose their personal information/registration number/ mobile numbers/email ids to others and be guarded against any unscrupulous phone calls.
(d) Applicant can view his/her application status on the website by providing the registration number and mobile number till the results are announced.
(e) For any Queries, Division wise help desk and mobile numbers are provided on the website. The Department would not entertain any query on any other number, other than the help desks. The Department would also not entertain any communication regarding acceptance of applications in any other form and any such communication will be filed.
(f) After closing date for submission of online applications, a three days window has been kept for modification/editing in the same. The purpose of providing this correction window is to correct the names and other data/marks/choice filling etc.. During this three-days window, if the modifications involve any change in category requiring fee to be paid, such modifications will be allowed only if the candidate deposits the fee as per the prescribed procedure. Upon modification, the previous online application would be treated as null and void and merit would be decided based on the details mentioned in the modified application.
Important Note:-
Note 1: The candidates who have been dismissed/removed/compulsory retired from Govt service/Gramin Dak Sevak in the past as a measure of penalty under the relevant conduct rule will be barred from applying
against the vacancies notified. All the applicants will be required to submit an undertaking to this effect at the time of submission of their online application as per Annexure-IV. If at any stage it is found that the shortlisted GDS had concealed the information in this respect, his/her services would be terminated in accordance with extant rules and he/she will be liable to be prosecuted in accordance with applicable laws.
Note 2: GDS are holder of a Civil posts but they are outside the regular Civil Services of Union of India and governed by GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2020 issued vide OM. No. 17- 30/2019-GDS dated 14.02.2020 as revised from time to time available on the website www.indiapost.gov.in. [Refer to Para-3]
Nots 3: OM. No.17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018 related to payment of TRCA and other allowances to all approved categories of GDS is available on www.indiapost.gov.in. [Refer to Para-3]
Note-4: The selected candidates will have to submit an undertaking to the Engaging Authority regarding knowledge of Computer, Cycling and having adequate means of livelihood prescribed formats (refer to Annexure VI, VII & VIII respectively) at the time of engagement. [Refer to Para 5.2(2)]
Note: 5. (i) No person holding an elective office will be considered for engagement to the post.
(ii) The applicant selected as GDS shall not engage in any activity with any outside agency, which would be detrimental to the business or interest of the Post Office/IPPB.
(iii) Past experience or service of any kind will not be considered for selection. [Refer to Para 5.2(2)]
Gramin Dak Sevak Vacancy Position for __________ Division.
Sl | Name of Post | Name of Office | TRCA | No. of posts | Account office/Record Office | Taluk/Tehsil | District |
Community – wise Consolidation of Posts : –
Community | No of Posts |
OBC (As per state reservation %) | |
PwD (Low vision (LV) – 01%) | |
PwD(D(Deaf), HH(Hard of hearing – 01%), | |
PwD(One Arm (OA), One leg (OL), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim – 01%) | |
PwD(Specific learning disability/intellectual Disability – 01%) | |
ST(AS per state reservation %) | |
SC (As per state reservation %) | |
EWS-10% | |
UR | |
Total |
Instructions for applicants
(For registration and submission of Online application form)
(a) Applicant will have to first register himself/herself on the GDS online Engagement Portal at the link https://indiapostgdsonline.gov.in details to obtain the Registration Number.
(b) For registration on the Portal, the applicants must have their own active email id and mobile number. All the important information, including declaration of result of shortlisting, offer of provisional engagement etc. would be sent on the registered mobile number Email only. The Department will not communicate with applicant in any other form.
(c) Once the applicants registered the same mobile number will not be allowed for any further registrations of any other applicant.
(d) In case any duplicate Registration is found by altering the basic details, the candidature of all such registrations will be removed from the selection process.
(e) Any applicant who forgot the registration number can retrieve the registration number through option ‘forgot registration.
(f) Before proceeding with One-Time Registration, keep the following information/documents ready:
i. Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
ii. Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
iii. Aadhaar Number -if available
iv. Information about the Board, and Year of Passing the
Matriculation (10th) Examination.
v. Scanned photo in jps/.ipeg format less than 50 kb
iv. signature. .jps/.ipeg format less than 20 kb
(a) Fee: A fee of Rs.100 (Rupees one hundred only) is to be paid by the applicants for all posts notified in choice of Division. However, payment of fee is exempted for all female applicants, SC/ST applicants, PwD applicants and Transwomen applicants.
(b) Applicants, except exempted category of applicant, may make payment of the fee through any of the online mode of payment using the link provided for payment. All recognized Credit/Debit cards and Net Banking facility/ UPI can be used for this purpose. Charges applicable for usage of Debit/credit cards and net banking, as per the rules from time to time will be levied.
(c) Applicants are advised to note their Registration number at a secure place for making the payment of fee.
(d) Fee once paid will not be refunded. Hence, candidate is advised to ensure his eligibility for applying to particular Division before making the fee payment.
(e) Applicants who are exempted from payment of fee may apply online directly.
An applicant can only apply one or more vacant posts of GDS in only in one of the selected Division. Before selecting Division option, applicant has to validate his/her details by giving Registration number and OTP sent to the registered mobile number. On selecting the Division, a list of all eligible posts (based on the community and Age) will be displayed against which applicant has to give preferences. Applicant
will not be considered for a post, for which he/she has not given/indicated his/her preference(s). However, if shortlisted, only one post only will be offered for engagement and his/her rights for all other posts will be forfeited.
Example: If an applicant opts for five posts in a Division with preference posti, post2, post3, post4, post5 etc. and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the first post in the order of preference, against which he/she is found most suitable, will be offered and the candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited.
The applicant is required to upload only the following documents at the time of submitting online application in the formats and sizes as prescribed. Hence, it is advised to keep the scanned documents ready in softcopy form before applying online:
SI No | Name of the | Uploading file format | Permitted file size |
1 | Recent Photograph | .jps/.ipeg | Not exceeding 50kb |
2 | Signature | .jps/.ipeg | Not exceeding 20kb |
The selection of the shortlisted applicants will be purely based on the marks/ data fed by an applicant at the time of submitting the final online application However, selection will be subject to physical verification of the original certificates/mark sheet etc. with the data/marks fed in the online application. Therefore, the candidates have to select a Verifying Authority for verification of document at the time of submission of application form itself. The candidates are advised to select the Divisional head of the Division in which he/she is applying to expedite the verification of document & joining at later stage. However, at his/her option any other Divisional head may be selected near to his/her place for the purpose.
(a) After closing date for submission of online applications, a three days window has been kept for modification/editing in the same. The purpose of providing this correction window is to correct the names and other data/marks/choice filling etc.. During this three-days window, if the modifications involve any change in category requiring fee to be paid, such modifications will be allowed only if the candidate deposits the fee as per the prescribed procedure. Upon modification, the previous online application would be treated as null and void and merit would be decided based on the details mentioned in the modified application.
(b) Before submission of the modified application, applicants must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. After the expiry of ‘Edit/Correction window, no change/correction/modification will be allowed in the application under any circumstances. No request in this regard in any form like by post’ fax, email, by hand, etc. shall be entertained by the Department and the same will be filed without assigning any reason.
(1) Applicants are advised in their own interest to submit the online application much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the website on account of heavy load on the website during the closing days.
(2) The Department will not be responsible for the applicants not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Department.
(3) Before submission of the online application, applicants must check through Preview/ Print option that they have filled correct details in each field of the form.
(4) It is advised that upon shortlisting, the candidates in their own interest should report for verification of documents and pre-engagement formalities, at the earliest possible time without waiting the last date to avoid any technical
issues, failing to observe the time line would resulting the cancellation of the candidature and no communication in this regard would be entertain.
S. No. | Name of the Circle | Name of the State/UT covered under Postal Circle | Local Language as prescribed by Department of Posts |
1 | |||
2 | Assam | Assam (excluding three districts of Barak Valley and Bodoland Territorial Council Areas) | Assamese |
Three District of Barak Valley | Bengali | ||
Bodo Land Territorial Council Areas | Bodo | ||
3 | Bihar | Bihar | Hindi |
4 | Chhattisgarh | Chhattisgarh | Hindi |
5 | Delhi | NCT of Delhi | Hindi |
6 | Gujarat | Gujarat | Gujarati |
Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu | |||
7 | Haryana | Haryana | Hindi |
8 | Himachal Pradesh | Himachal Pradesh | Hindi |
9 | Jammu and Kashmir | J & K and Ladakh | Urdu, Hindi |
10 | Jharkhand | Jharkhand | Hindi |
11 | Karnataka | Karnataka | Kannada |
12 | Kerala | Kerala, Lakshadweep & Mahe | Malayalam |
13 | Madhya Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Marathi |
14 | Maharashtra | Maharashtra | Konkani & Marathi |
Goa | Konkani & Marathi | ||
15 North East | Arunachal Pradesh | Both Hindi/English & any of the 23 dialects notified as third language by the Govt of Arunachal Pradesh | |
Manipur | Manipuri and English | ||
Meghalaya | Both Hindi/English and Garo (for East Garo Hills, North Garo Hills, South Garo, West Garo Hills and South Garo Hills) Or Both Hindi/English and Khasi (for offices under East Khasi Hills West Jaintia Hills, East Jaintia Hills, South West Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, Eastern West Khasi Hills and Ri Bhoi) Or Hindi/English (for Rest of the areas) | ||
Mizoram | Mizo | ||
Nagaland | Hindi/English | ||
Tripura | Bengali/Kak Barak | ||
16 | Odisha | Odisha | Odia |
17 | Punjab | Punjab | Punjabi |
Chandigarh | Hindi/English | ||
18 | Rajasthan | Rajasthan | Hindi |
19 | Tamil Nadu | Tamil Nadu | Tamil |
Puducherry (Excluding Mahe & Yanam) | Tamil | ||
20 | Telangana | Telangana | Telugu |
21 | Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh | Hindi |
22 | Uttarakhand | Uttarkhand | Hindi |
23 | West Bengal | West Bengal | Bengali |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | Hindi/English | ||
Sikkim | Nepali/English/Bhutia/Lepcha | ||
Darjeeling Division | Bengali and Nepali | ||
Post offices under Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA | Nepali |