1. A number of rulings, clarifications and instructions have been issued by this office over the years on the subject of Registered Newspapers (RNP). A need has been felt to issue an updated and consolidated ruling which is being done through this letter. The instructions/clarifications contained in this letter supersede all previous rulings issued by this Directorate on this subject from time to time.
Definition of Newspaper:
2. The definition of Newspaper, as per the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 is quite different from its popular perception. As per Section 9 of this Act, “any publication, consisting wholly or in great part of political or other news, or of articles relating thereto or to other current topics, with or without advertisements, shall be deemed as newspaper, subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(a) that it is published in numbers at intervals of not more than thirty one days: and
(b) that it has a list of bona fide subscribers.”
3. It follows from the above mentioned statutory definition of newspaper that all such publications which are published regularly on daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis can claim to be newspapers for postal registration, provided these fulfill the other two conditions as per 2(a) and (b) above as well. In practice, apart from the daily newspapers, virtually all the weekly, fortnightly and monthly publications, which are popularly known as magazines or journals, give a declaration under the Press Registration and Books Act, 1867 that these are Newspapers and thus become entitled to get themselves registered as such with Registrar of Newspapers of India (RNI). RNI registration is different from Postal registration. The importance of postal registration lies in the fact that it entitles a newspaper to avail concessional rates of postage which are highly subsidized
Rules Covering Postal Registration of Newspapers:
4. The Post Office in India has been established under the provisions of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, as amended from time to time. This Act authorizes the Central Government to frame rules to run the postal services in the country. Section 9 of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 authorizes Department of Posts to frame rules providing for the registration of newspapers for transmission by inland post as registered newspapers. Rule 30 of Indian Post Office Rules, 1933 lays down the statutory provisions governing postal registration of newspapers. These rules are further elaborated in Clauses 139 to 144 of Post Office Guide Part-I for the benefit of the general public. An updated Rule 30 is attached as Annexure-I to this letter for ready reference.
Authority for Registration of Newspapers:
5. Powers to grant registration to Newspapers for availing concessional rates of postage are vested in the Divisional Superintendent of Post Offices and RMS Divisions; and Independent Gazetted Postmasters in whose jurisdiction the newspaper is published. If a newspaper is published from more than one location, multiple registrations are allowed separately for each location where the newspaper is published.
Application Form and Fee for Registration:
6. Application form or format of application form has to be supplied by the registering authority to the desirous applicants or else they may be advised to download the format from the India Post website where this ruling is being hosted. Registration fee, as prescribed by DG, Posts from time to time, will have to be deposited by the applicant at the time of submission of his application for registration of newspaper with the Postal Authority. The application has to be accompanied by a declaration as per Section 5 of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, among other things, as per the conditions spelt out in Clause 140 of Post Office Guide Part-I. Format of this declaration is known to the applicants but may be seen in Section 5 of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 on RNI website www.rni.nic.in/prbact.asp. Standardized format of application for registration/renewal of registration of newspaper is given as per Annexure II.
Grant of Registration:
7. After satisfying himself with all the conditions of posting of Registered Newspaper as laid down in the IPO Act, 1898, the IPO Rules, 1933 and this letter, the concerned postal authority will grant registration in a standardized format as per Annexure III; with a copy to the Office of Posting. It will be incumbent upon the publisher to furnish any information regarding the circulation of his newspaper that the registering authority may call for at any time during the currency of the registration. The Postal Authority, however, will be bound to keep such information confidential and use it only for internal decision making.
Registration Number:
8. The registration number should be allotted only in the following format:-
DN Stands for name of the Division/Gazetted Post Office
XXX Stands for the number to be allotted
2008-10 Stands for the block of 3 years for which the registration is valid.
Note: The year part of the Registration will change every time the registration is renewed.
Validity of Registration:
- Initial registration will be allowed till 31 December of the third calendar year following that in which the registration is made. Time taken for processing of fresh registration should normally not exceed 30 days. Application for renewal should be made by the applicant in advance before 30 September of the year in which the registration is to expire. Renewal will be granted for three years from 01 January to 31 December of the third year if all conditions are fulfilled. The Postal Authorities must issue the renewal licenses to all applicants before 15th of December.
Fees for Registration/Renewal: - Registration of a newspaper may be subject to the payment of registration fee. Renewal of registration will attract the same fee as prescribed for new registration, if the application for the same is received within due date. An additional late fee will be charged as UCR for each application for renewal of registration received after 30th September but before 31 December of the year in which the registration expires. A still higher late fee will be charged if the renewal application is received after last date of validity of the current registration i.e., after 31 December. The amount of fee as well as, late fees, will be as prescribed by DG, Posts from time to time. It is clarified that presently there is no fee for registration. For renewal the fee is Rs 50/- if the application is received after 30 September but before 31 December of the year in which the registration is to expire. It is Rs 100/- if it is received after the expiry date.
National Database of RNPS: - A consolidated national database of all RNPs will be maintained as a part of the National Database Centre (NDC). All Registering Authorities will update the database as and when a registration is granted/renewed/cancelled. However, till such time as the NDC becomes accessible to all offices, manual record as given in the next para, will be maintained by each registering authority in r/o the newspapers registered with it.
- A consolidated list of all registered newspapers, including ongoing and renewals, will be maintained by the Registering Authority and a copy of the same sent to the office of posting so as to reach them positively before 31″ December every year as per Format given below:
- Sl. No.
- Name of Publication
- Previous Regn. No. (If already registered)
- New Regn. No.(Only years will change) Late renewals and fresh registration cases should be forwarded to the Office of Posting on case to case basis as and when these occur.
Supervision Over Validity of Registration:
- The Head of the Office/Supervisor in the PO/RMS/PSO would note the consolidated list of ongoing registrations and renewals (Para 8 above) before 31 December each year in a register kept for this purpose. Late renewals and fresh registration cases will be entered as and when received. The register will
have the following columns:- (a) Serial Number
(b) Name of Publication and its Language
(c) Registration Number
(d) Dates Allotted for Posting
(e) Number of Copies to be Posted
(f) Whether Licensed to Post Without Prepayment of Postage
(g) If so, WPP License Number
(h) Remarks - A fresh page will be earmarked for each year. Fresh list will ensure that there is no jumbling of entries and there is a fresh list prepared every year. The supervisor will initial on the first working day of each month in the remarks column as B token of having checked and updated the register. He must satisfy himself that the newspapers posted in his office are the same as entered in the register. Better still, if the list is displayed on a display board/chart.
- Visiting Inspectors/Superintendents will also check the register with reference to the posting of newspapers to ensure that no unregistered newspapers are received in the office.
Place(s) of Posting: - Place of Posting will be intimated by the Registering Authority at the time of granting license or renewing it. The office of posting should normally be a Mail Business Centre (MBC), if MBC is functioning at the station of registration. The registering authority may offer some other choice of office of posting, if the situation so demands.
- A publisher may be allowed to post newspapers at a place outside the jurisdiction of the Registering Authority. The articles can be posted even in other Circles. Permission for such outside place of posting will be granted by the concerned Chief Post Master General/Post Master General (in whose jurisdiction the requested place of posting lies) after satisfying himself about the genuineness of original registration from the Licensing Authority.
Dates of Posting: - Either a single date or a series of dates, not exceeding one week, should be allowed during which the newspaper may be posted. If the publisher requests for one time change in dates, he should make a request to the Postmaster General at least three days in advance.
- Permanent change in dates, as well as place, may also be accepted, as for as possible, and orders issued within a week of receiving the request.
Posting of Newspapers Without Prepayment of Postage: - As per Rule 30 (b) of IPO rules, 1933, the full postage on registered
newspapers should be prepaid unless the newspaper is exempted from prepayment of postage by a valid licence. While the registration of newspaper is done by a Divisional Superintendent/Independent Gazetted Postmaster, the valid licence for posting of a newspaper without prepayment of postage is to be issued by Pr. CPMG/CPMG/PMG. The detailed procedure is given in Clause 14 of P.O. Guide Part I. It is reproduced as Annexure IV. - As per Sub Clause (3) of Clause 144 of the P.O. Guide, part I, the security deposit has to be made either as a bank guarantee or POSB A/c or NSC in the Post Office. Since institutional accounts have been discontinued, the security deposit may be allowed in the post office as UCR till such time as some other method is devised, Or else, bank guarantee will suffice.
Variation in Copies Authorized and Posted: - Earlier it was ordered that the variation in number of copies authorized to be posted and number of copies actually posted should not be more than 5% on the higher as well as lower side. It has now been decided that there will be no objection if the number of copies posted is less than the number of copies authorized to be posted. But if the number of copies to be posted exceeds the number authorized in the license, the licensee should be asked to increase the security deposit as prescribed vide Clause 144(4) (viii) of Post Office Guide Part- I. The same conditions will also apply if the newspapers are on prepaid postage. The publisher should be asked to get the authorization revised if it exceeds the licensed quantity but no objection to be raised for its being less than the authorized number. Registering authorities have full powers to revise this authorization as per the request of the applicant.
Important Clarifications: - The following clarifications pertaining to the implementation of the statutory provisions covering registered newspapers are issued with a view to set at rest all doubts on the subject:-
(a) Difference Between a Newspaper and a Periodicali
As stated earlier, any publication that is published regularly at intervals of not more than 31 days, is deemed to be a Newspaper under the Indian Post Office Act, 1898 (conditions apply). Only those publications that are published at intervals of more than 31 days i.e., all bimonthly, quarterly and annual publications are the ones that are treated as periodicals under this Act. Different postage rates are applicable to registered newspapers and book packets containing periodicals. If a newspaper is posted without valid postal registration, it cannot avail concessional rates of postage meant for a registered newspaper even if it is printed and published at intervals of less than 31 days. It can, however, be posted at the rates of book packets containing periodicals or ordinary book packet rates.
(b) RNI Number and Postal Registration Number:
All newspapers have to register themselves with Registrar of Newspapers
of India (RNI) under Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. RNI number is
allotted by the Registrar After RNI Registration, the newspaper has to
separately register itself with the competent Postal Authority and get Postal
Registration if it wishes to avail concessional postage rates.It is mandatory for the registered newspaper to print postal registration at a convenient place either on the front page or the back page of the publication in such a manner that it is readable without difficulty. Insisting that this number be printed only in a particular corner on the front or back side is not supported by the statutory rules and has been dispensed with. Minimum font size of 10 is recommended but posting of a newspaper should not be rejected if the font size is less than 10. In such cases the Office of Posting may report the matter to the Registering Postal Authority who may issue any directions as deemed fit to the publisher for guidance in future issues. If his directions are not followed, he is within his rights to cancel the registration. Printing of RNI number is not mandatory for availing concessional rates of postage for registered newspapers. It is mandatory only on periodicals
(c) Printing of Price and WPP/License Number:
Ministry of Law has clarified that publications that are free of cost are not eligible for postal registration. As such, printing of the price of the newspaper is a must to show that it is not free. Printing of License Number for permission to post without pre-payment of postage is also mandatory if the newspaper has obtained any such license from the concerned CPMG/PMG. The license number is required to be printed along with the words “Licensed to post without prepayment below or after the Postal Registration Number. The licensee may also use the abbreviated version, instead of the complete phrase as above, by substituting the phrase with the term “WPP” as prefix before the license number.
(d) List of Bona Fide Subscribers:
As per the interpretation of Law Ministry, a bona fide subscriber is one who pays a price for a publication, As per Rule 30 of IPO Rules, a publisher is required to submit a list of at least 50 bona fide subscribers, along with his application, for initial postal registration. Complete list of subscribers is not required. The Divisional Superintendent/Gazetted Postmaster may verify all or some of the subscribers for being bona fide and act as per his finding. There is no need to call for fresh list of subscribers at any time during the validity of registration or at the time of renewal of license unless there is some pressing reason to do the same which the licensing authority may record on the file.
(e) Supplements and Split Editions:
The IPO Act allows a newspaper to carry supplements. The supplement must consist “wholly or in great part of matter like that of the newspaper and has the title and the date of publication of the newspaper printed at the top of each page”. There is no bar on the supplements being of different size than the main newspaper. Split editions are a recent phenomenon and are meant to serve target readership. For example, major newspapers in Delhi which are published from one location may have about 80% common matter but the remaining 20% is meant for a particular area only ie; North Delhi, South Delhi etc. To avoid multiple registration for each split edition, it has been decided to permit all such editions to be covered by a single registration. However, this is not applicable if the editions are published from different cities. In such cases they should obtain new registration from local postal authority. Multiple registration of a newspaper in different locations of publication is permitted. Such multiple registration numbers are required to be printed as prescribed.
(f) Contents:
As per Section 9 of the IPO Act, 1898, “every publication, consisting wholly or in great part of political or other news or of articles relating thereto or to other current topics, with or without advertisements, shall be deemed to be a newspaper”, subject to conditions of periodicity and bona fide subscribers. Various courts, including the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, have given judgments as to what constitutes news, current topics and articles relating thereto. The gist of the judgments is that as per Section 9 of the IPO Act, 1898, the terms news, current topics and related articles virtually cover all subjects, be it political, social, religious, educational, medical, scientific news or other news or articles etc. It is important, therefore, that the contents of a newspaper are examined liberally for the purpose of postal registration. If a publication is registered with RNI as a newspaper, it would be sufficient to accept it as a newspaper postal registration also, if other conditions are for fulfilled.
(g) Advertisements:
A newspaper can be with or without advertisements. “In great part’ does not lay down any ratio of the news and articles to advertisements. Taking customer friendly view, it has been decided to fix no mathematical limit or ratio of advertisements to other contents. The advertisements, however, have to be printed as a part of the newspaper only. No extra in the name of some other advertiser will be permitted. The provisions of Sub Rule (9) of Rule 30 of IPO Rules, 1933 and the Note under the Sub-Rule will be applicable on any advertisement sheet which forms a part of the Newspaper.
(h) Pagination:
To ensure that no unauthorized insertions are allowed in a newspaper, the question of continuous pagination assumes importance. The courts have ruled that so long as an insertion is part of the continuous page numbering, it forms a part of the newspaper. The page numbers, however, need not be printed on each page. The pages containing advertisement invariably do not carry page numbers or title of the publication. But so long as all pages have been accounted for from the first to the last page, it is to be accepted as proper pagination..
Pagination has to be accepted only paper pages. Items like Compact Discs, Floppies etc. cannot be accepted as being part of the pagination. Newspapers carrying such items should be advised to sign a business package as per the provisions of this Directorate letter No. 36-159/2006-07/BD&MD dated 09 March, 2007 (Annexure -V).
(i) Concealment of Title:
Posting of a magazine/newspaper should not be refused simply because
part of this title has been concealed by a photo sketch etc. So long as one can
make out the written word, it will be acceptable for posting.
- It is hoped that the above clarifications/instructions will help in removing all doubts relating to the various issues pertaining to the registered newspapers. If, however, still any issues remain unclear the same should be brought to the notice of the Directorate. Meanwhile, any pending cases may please be decided in the light of these instructions/clarifications.
- These instructions/clarifications should be brought to the notice of all concerned. Pending cases, if any, may be decided in the light of this ruling.
Extracts from Indian Post Office Rules, 1933
Registered Newspapers
- (1) Newspapers as defined in section 9 of the Act shall be transmitted by post as registered newspapers, provided that they comply with the following conditions:-
(a) The newspaper shall have been registered in the office of the Postmaster General, or officer exercising the powers of the Postmaster General, of the Postal Circle in which it is published, and the period for which its registration or the last renewal thereof as the case may be remains in force shall not have expired.
(b) The full postage shall be prepaid unless the newspaper is exempted from prepayment of postage by a valid license
(c) The newspaper shall bear in print in any convenient place either on the first or last page the word “Registered” followed by the registration number which has been assigned to it by the Postmaster General or other Officer referred to in condition (a).
(d) The newspaper shall be posted at the place of publication or, as the case may be, at the place permitted under this sub-rule, by its proprietor, manager or publisher on such days of the week or on such dates of the month which may have been specified by him in this behalf at the time of applying for registration or at any time subsequent thereto;
Provided that a clear notice of three days shall be given to the postmaster of the place in case any change is desired in the dates or days of posting so specified.;
Provided further that the requirement as to three day’s notice may be waived by the Postmaster-General if he is satisfied that the proprietor, manager or publisher or agent could not adhere to it for reasons beyond his control;
Provided also that the number of days or dates on which an issue can be posted shall not be altered except with the prior authority of the Postmaster General.
In cases where the proprietor, manager or publisher cannot adhere to the provision of three days notice due to reasons beyond his control, the Postmaster General, may in relaxation of the said provision permit the posting of the newspaper at any time subsequent to the prescribed date provided the application for late posting is received by him before the prescribed date of posting. The interval between the dates of publication of the issue sought to be posted late and the previous one shall not in any case exceed 31 days.
Provided that in no case shall any issue be posted on more than one day or date with the exception of a weekly, fortnightly or monthly newspaper, which may be posted on two consecutive days falling within the same week from Monday to Sunday and in case the second consecutive day is a Sunday or a gazetted holiday, on the succeeding day; provided further that the facility of posting registered newspapers on Sunday shall be available in such offices only as remain open on Sunday.
(e) Every copy or bundle of copies of the newspaper shall be posted without a wrapper, or with a wrapper open at both ends which can be easily removed for an inspection of the newspaper, or in an unfastened envelope, provided that whatever means are employed to secure copies of the newspapers while in course of transmission by post, the registration marks referred to in clause (c) must be clearly visible without removing the wrapper or envelope.
(f) There shall be no word printed in the newspaper after its publication or upon the cover (if any) thereof, nor shall any writing or mark be made upon it or upon the cover (if any) thereof, except the name and address of the person to whom it is sent, and, in the case of packets containing more than one copy of the newspaper, the number of copies of the newspaper enclosed, and, if desired, the subscriber’s number and the name and address of the newspaper, or of the sender, and a reference to any place in the newspaper to which the attention of the addressee is directed by means of a stamp or seal impression containing the words “Marked Copy”, and, in the case of press packets addressed to railway book stalls or recognized agents on the line, the direction to be delivered direct from the mail van.
(g) There shall be no paper or thing enclosed in or with any such, newspaper other than an extra or supplement as specified in section 9 of the Act.
NOTE – “Any newspaper in which a document of any of the following descriptions is enclosed as a supplement shall be treated as a book packet”:-
(i) an advertisement sheet printed for an advertiser and sent to the publisher of newspaper for distribution with it,
(ii) an advertisement sheet with an order form attached, a prospectus with an application form attached or a proposal or enquiry form.
(iii) any document drawn up in the form of a direct personal communication to the recipient such as a printed circular in the form of a letter purporting to be addressed to a person by whom the newspaper in which it is enclosed is received.
(h) The registration number or, as the case may be, registration numbers shall not be printed on the wrapper.
(i) The date of publication of the newspaper shall be printed on its first or last page (GSR 152 dated 26.03.1994).
(2) An application for the first registration of a newspaper for the purposes of
clause (a) of sub-rule (1) in a Postal Circle referred to therein shall, save in the
case of a newspaper printed or published under the orders of any Government in
India or for official purposes, be made in the form prescribed for the purpose by
the Director General, and be accompanied by two cop copies of the latest issue of
the newspaper sought to be registered, a list showing the names and addresses
of at least fifty bona fide subscribers and
(i) by a certificate from the District, Presidency or Sub-Divisional Magistrate within whose local jurisdiction the newspaper is pririted or published or the printer or the publisher resides, that-
(a) the declaration or declarations required by section 5 of the Press and Registration of Book Act, 1867 (25 of 1867), has or have been made, or,
(b) no such declaration is required under the said Act as the publication is not a newspaper according to the definition given in that Act.
(ii) Omitted.
(3) A (a) first registration shall be remain in force till 31 December of the third calendar year following that in which it was effected. Every subsequent renewal of registration shall remain in force for three calendar years.
(b) Application for renewal of registration shall be made so as to reach the officer concerned at least three months before the date of expiry of the previous registration and shall be accompanied by two copies of the latest issue of the publication of the newspaper.
(c) A late fee of fifty rupees shall be charged for each application for renewal received later than the last working day of the third calendar month preceding the last month of the period of previous registration.
(d) Renewal under this sub-rule, in all cases shall be granted only when the Postmaster-General or other officer referred to in sub-rule (1) is satisfied that the provisions of Sub-section (2) of Section 9 of the Act are fulfilled, and where the previous registration expires before registration is renewed, the publication shall be prepaid at book packet rates pending issue of the renewal.
(c) Where the application for renewal, under this Sub-section, is received after the date of expiry of the previous registration, a late fee of one hundred rupees shall be charged with such application.
(4) Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prevent newspapers from being transmitted by post, either singly or otherwise, at the rates and under the conditions prescribed for book packets, or for book packets containing periodicals, and if a newspaper sought to be transmitted by post as a registered newspaper fails to comply with any of the conditions specified in sub-rule (1), it shall be transmitted by post at the said rates and under the said conditions.
(5) The Postmaster General or officer exercising the powers of the Postmaster General of the Postal circle in which the newspaper is published or, as the case may be, posted or sought to be posted may cancel or refuse the registration of a newspaper (i) when he is satisfied that the provisions of sub- section (2) of Section 9 of the Act do not continue to be fulfilled; or (ii) as soon as the certificate or the recommendation mentioned in item (i) of sub-rule (2),
respectively, is formally cancelled or withdrawn by the authorities concerned.
30-A Packets of registered newspapers containing more than one copy of the
same issue may be transmitted by post at the special rate of postage prescribed
for such packets, provided that the following conditions in addition to those
prescribed in rule 30 are complied with:-
(a) Each packet shall contain only copies of the same registered newspaper
and of the same date,
(b) The packets shall be posted in the same post office and go the same day as in the case of single copies of the same registered newspaper.
(c) The packets shall be addressed to the Local Agents at the place of destination whose name and address shall be communicated to the office of posting by the proprietor, manager or publisher of the registered newspaper.
(d) The packets shall not be delivered at the addressee’s residence, but shall be handed over at the window of the office of destination to the Local Agent or any person authorized in this behalf by the Local Agent.
(e) The sender shall indicate the following on the packet; “to be delivered at the window”.

I/We …………………………. titled,” The Publisher/Proprietor/Manager of the Publication titled, “……………………………………….., hereby agree to abide by the provisions of Rule 30(5) of the Indian Post Office Rules, 1933. I/We further agree to abide by the decision of the Principal Chief Post Master General/Chief Post Master General/Post Master General to cancel or refuse the registration of the above newspaper when he is satisfied that the provisions of the said Rule, do not continue to be fulfilled.
2. The said registered newspaper will be posted without a wrapper or with a wrapper open at both ends or in an unfastened envelope.
3. The publication will adhere to the Pagination Rules.
4. There will be no word printed in the newspaper after its publication or upon the cover thereof nor any writing or mark will be made upon it or upon the cover except the name and address of the person to whom it is sent, and in the case of packets containing more than one copy of the newspaper, the number of copies of the newspaper enclosed, and, if desired, the subscriber’s name and the name and address of the newspaper, or of the sender.
5. The newspaper shall bear in print in any convenient place either on the first or last page the word “Registered” followed by the registration number which has been assigned to it by the competent authority, in case registration is granted.
6. I/We clearly understand that violation of any of the above paras will be treated as breach of condition of registered newspapers and the publication shall be taxed accordingly.

- Application for renewal of registration shall be made so as to reach the office concerned not later than 30th of September of the last year of the validity of current registration. A late fee of Rs.50/- will be charged for application for renewal received after 30 September but before 31st of December of the same year. A late fee of Rs.100/- will be charged if the application of renewal is received after 31st of December of the year of validity of registration. (NOTE: The fee may be revised as per the discretion of Dept. of Posts). Concessional postage will also not be available thereafter till the registration is renewed.
- Please ensure that all the conditions of concessional postage for Registered Newspapers are adhered to. Please also ensure to get the renewal done in time. Any violation will lead to withdrawal of concessional rates of postage for your publication.
- Posting of newspapers without prepayment of postage. Newspapers which post a large number of papers can post their papers without affixing postage stamps in accordance withthe following scheme :-
(1) The scheme is confined to Registered Newspapers (including Magazines and Periodicals) which are published at intervals of not more than 31 days and which post more than 500 copies at a time. “In respect of those newspapers which carry stamps of 5 paise only, minimum number of newspapers posted for availing the facility under this clause shall be 100.”
(2) The Proprietor, Manager or Publisher of any such registered newspaper who desires to avail of the scheme should apply in the prescribed form to the Head of the Circle for a licence furnishing the following particulars:
(a) The average number of (i) single copies of the newspaper and (ii) packets containing more than one copy, per issue of the paper posted each time.
(b) Average weight of (i) a single copy of the paper and (ii) a packet containing more than one copy of the paper, to be posted each time.
(c) Postage payable on a single copy and (ii) the the average postage payable on eachpacket containing more than one copy of the paper to be posted each time.
(d) Total amount of average postage on all the papers (single copies and packets) which would be posted each time.
(e) The number of days in a month on which the papers would be posted.
(3) The Head of the Postal Circle, on receipt of the application will calculate the approximate total postage payable by a Registered Newspaper in the course of the month and then require the Newspaper to deposit an amount equivalent to the total of one month’s postage as a security deposit. The amount of the security may be deposited in cash in a Post Office Savings, security deposit account, or in National Savings Certificates pledged to the Head of the Circle concemed or may be covered by a guarantee from either State Bank of India or a Bank nationalized by Government of India. The form of guarantee will be similar to that shown in clause 94. The amount of postage due on all postings will be adjusted twice a month on the 16th for posting between the 1st and 15th of the month and 1st of the following month in respect of the postings from the 16th to the end of the month.
(4) After the newspaper has deposited the amount of the security a licence will be issued by the Head of the Circle authorizing posting of the newspaper without prepayment under the following conditions:-
(i) The Newspaper should be handed in at the window of the office or offices and on such days or dates of the week or month as have been specified in this behalf in the order sanctioning its registration.
(ii) The licensee should arrange to print the Licence No. along with the words ‘Licensed to post without pre-payment below the ‘Registration. No. wrapper. “Printed on the paper when the paper is posted without a
(iii) The licence will be deemed to be annulled as soon as the registration of the newspaper expires. Application for the renewal of the licence should therefore, be made at the same time as application for renewal of registration.
(iv) The copies of the newspaper should be handed over at the window along with an invoice in duplicate in the form prescribed for the purpose showing the details of the posting. One copy of the invoice after comparing the entries with the copies posted will be returned to the poster duly signed and date stamped.
(v) On the basis of the invoices relating to the postings during the period shown in rule (3) above a bill will be prepared by the Post Office or RMS Office showing the total amount of postage payable and will be presented to the licensee on 16th and 1st of each month. The payment of the bill should be made by the licensee at the Post Office indicated in the bill within 7 days from the Circle has the right to cancel the licence.
(vi) In the event of non-payment of a bill within a fortnight following he fortnight to which the bill relates, the posting of the paper without prepayment of postage will immediately be stopped and the licence deemed to have been cancelled. The Head of the Cirde will recover the amount due upto that date from the security deposit held by the post office and may also, if necessary, take steps to recover any outstanding amount under section 12 of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.
(vii) The licence, on being terminated, may be renewed by the Head of the Circle at his entire discretion on such terms and conditions as he may think fit to impose.
(viii) If at any time, it is found that the security deposit already made or the bank guarantee provided is less than the payment for the preceding month, the licensee should, if called upon to do so increase the security deposit or bank guarantee, as the case may be, in order to cover the increased amount. In case of failure to do so, the Head of the Circle has the right to cancel the licence.
(ix) The licence is revocable (on seven days’ previous notice in writing) at the discretion of the Head of the Circle without assigning any reason whatsoever for the same.
(x) If any dispute arises as to the effect of the licence or with regard to any matter
arising therefrom the same should be referred for a decision to the
Director General Posts whose decision shall be final.
S. Samant Chief General Manager
March 9, 2007
Value addition to registered newspapers and periodicals has been under consideration for sometime. As we all know, the cost of providing facility of mailing registered newspapers is quite high compared to the revenue collected.
Proposals have been received from various circles for considering permission for inclusion of attachments like Business Reply Envelopes, Advertisement Brochures, Pouches, Printed messages of common nature, printed price scheme deeds, CDs, specimen of bank cheques etc. to the existing registered newspapers. The issue has been examined and it is felt that detailed instructions for creating business packages and costing them already exists.
The orders for business packages were circulated vide BD Directorate letter No.50-4/2003-BDD-I dated 25th July 2003 (copy enclosed). Business packages has been defined as “Business packages are in the nature of value additions and features/facilities to the existing products and services of India post with a view to serve the requirements of users/customers. Business packages are tailor made to suit the requirements of the users/customer/service provider to facilitate users usage of postal products and services. Business packages can be in the nature of customized solutions/value additions/features/facilities offered to users/customers/service providers in combination with a basic existing structure and system of conventional and/or premium products services.”
The order on business package was modified and updated by BD Dte. Letter No.36-156/2006-BD&MD dated 31 May, 2006 (copy enclosed) Detailed procedures for costing of new business package products was prepared and circulated vide JS&FA letter No.4-2/2003-CTG(P) dated 3 September 2003. (copy enclosed).
With registered newspaper as the basic product ad-on can be provided as business package and costed accordingly. While costing the major aspect to be kept in view is the weight of the article, which can be add cost to the existing registered newspaper in terms of transmission cost. Other costs are already getting incurred for delivery of registered newspapers. Ad-ons will bring in additional profits keeping in view the innovations that are happening in the registered newspapers and periodicals market.
Therefore, it has been decided that the circles may work out business packages with registered newspapers as basic products and add value to it on case-to-case basis as per procedures laid down vide rules quoted above.