Reference: CO Raipur notification No STA 11-38/GDS to PM-MG-MTS/CE/2024 dated 15.07.2024
In pursuance of Circle Office, Raipur notification cited under reference, examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard from eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) for the vacancy year 2024 was conducted on 25.08.2024 and DEST on 15.09.2024, the result has been compiled taking the scores of Paper I + II & Paper-III, Paper-IV (DEST) as qualifying for the purpose of selection.
- Division wise vacancies of Postman/Mail guard for the year 2024 have already been circulated on 04.09.2024.
3 Now, the Competent Authority is pleased to announce the result of the Competitive Examination (CE) for recruitment to the posts of Postman-Mail Guard from eligible GDSs for the vacancy year 2024 (01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024) held on 25.08.2024 followed by DEST held on 15.09.2024 on provisional basis as Annexure-D.
4 The selection of candidates is subject to fulfillment of all conditions of relevant recruitment rules for recruitment to the cadre of Postman/Mail Guard.
- The Divisional heads, before giving appointment to the selected candidates will see that, the newly selected candidates fulfill all required conditions of relevant Recruitment Rules. Also, the Division/Unit heads are advised to re-check the pre-requisite conditions prescribed for candidates, with reference to their recommendation made while forwarding the application forms.
Before appointment, it should be ensured that, no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated or punishment is current against the selected candidates
notified central list of Schedule caste/tribe, OBC & EWS, PH before actually giving them posting
In case, at any time, it is detected that the candidates so selected had applied and appeared the examination with false declaration of data, his/her selection will be cancelled without any notice All the Heads of units of selected candidates should be instructed to take necessary action for joining of newly selected candidates as per provisions. The Divisional/Unit heads are requested not to send separate letter of carrying out joining process/appointment letters to Circle Office. The promotion/joining orders to be issued to all concerned by 11.11.2024. A consolidated report should be submitted to this office on 14.11.2024 without fail. In Case the candidate does not join the recruited post within 7 days it will be deemed to have been refused and next candidates will be considered. (Refer guideline issued by Directorate No 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 15th June 2022 Circulated vide CO endorsement number STA 11-9/A/PM-MG Exam Rig/539 Raipur Dated 17.06.2022).
In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate’s letter No W-1 0/2 23-
SPN-1-DOP dated 06.03.2023, the candidates who were declared successful through CE for
Appointment, but declined their Appointment and have again been declared successful through CE for appointment to Postman/Mail Guard cadre for the vacancy year 2024, should be appointed only after completion of one year from the date of last declination.
- Divisional Heads/Unit Heads are requested to ensure relieving arrangements of the selected candidates so as to join the promoted post by them on 14.11.2024 and their training will be started simultaneously by the concerned Division from the date of joining in PM/MG cadre.
- Divisional/Unit heads are requested to get the candidates joined at the earliest and declination, if any, received from the selected candidates be furnished to this office for further action. Request for revised allotment of any candidate will not be entertained.
All concerned to note please.
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