Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2024 for Recruitment to AAO Cadre of IP&TAFS, Group ‘B’

1. Schedule of Examination:

Date of Notification19.09.2024 (Thursday)
Last Date for Receipt of Applications for Applicants (Other Than Army Postal Service & On Deputation Out of DoT/DOP)14.10.2024 (Monday)
Last Date for Receipt of Applications for Applicants of Army Postal Service & On Deputation Out of DOT/Dop23.10.2024 (Wednesday)
Tentative date of display of vacancy year wise provisional eligibility of applicants*22.11.2024 (Friday)
Tentative date of issue of Admit Card”27.12.2024 (Friday)
Tentative date of Commencement of Examination”08.01.2025 to 11.01.2025 (Wednesday to Saturday)
Duration of Examination.4 days (Depending on number of candidates, paper VI may be held on more than one dates/shifts)
*May change due to administrative reasons

2. Eligibility Criteria:

As per the Indian Posts and Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘B’, (Accounts Officers and Assistant Accounts officers) Recruitment Rules 2018 (hereinafter referred to as “Recruitment Rules”) notified in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part il-Section 3-Sub section (i) on 2nd April 2018, the vacancies in the AAO cadre are to be filled up by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for employees of Department of Posts (DoP) and Departments of Telecommunications (DOT) under the Ministry of Communications, Government of India. All candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions mentioned in the Recruitment Rules, as on crucial date for respective years (as stated in 3 below), are eligible to appear for the above examination.

As per Recruitment Rules, only officials of Group-C cadre of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications possessing a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institute (other than Junior Accountants and Sr. Accountants in PAOs of Department of Posts, PAF Wing at Headquarters and various field offices of DoT such as office of CCAs, CGCAS, NICF and DoT Headquarters) with requisite qualifying service are eligible to appear in LDCE-2024 for AAO Examination. Officials working as Accountants or designated as Accountant in any other establishment of DoP or DoT cannot be equated as JAS/SAs of Accounts & Finance establishment.

However, applicants who were working in Group-8 on substantive basis as on date of application shall be considered eligible only for those vacancy years for which they were eligible as on respective crucial cut-off date as stated as para 3 below. Similarly, candidates shall be considered eligible only for those vacancy years for which they were possessing bachelor’s degree from recognized University or institute and having requisite regular qualifying service as on respective crucial cut-off date as stated in para 3 below.

As per Note in Column 11 of Recruitment Rules,

“Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying service or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have completed such qualifying or eligibility service.”

Any candidate claiming his eligibility in accordance with this note may suitably fill item 10 of application form carefully.

The vacancy year wise provisional eligibility of the applicants shall be displayed on in due course and 7 (seven) working days’ time shall be available to the applicants to represent to respective State Nodal Officer. The revised provisional eligibility list shall be displayed on subsequently. No representation in this regard shall be entertained thereafter.

3. Crucial Date for Determining Eligibility:

The crucial date for eligibility shall be considered for each vacancy year separately as below:

Vacancy YearCrucial Cut-off Date

For the vacancy year 2023, relaxation in the eligibility service will be in accordance with the DOPT OM: AB- 14017/17/2018-Estt. RR dated 12 August, 2021.

4. Syllabus & Pattern of Examination:

Syllabus of examination shall be as per Annexure F to this Notification. No books/manuals are allowed in the examination hall. Possession of any material/books/notes/diary/photocopy etc. shall amount to unfair means and shall be dealt with accordingly.

The pattern and schema of the question papers is as follows:

1.Financial Rules and Procedures & Book- keeping Without Books Subjective Type1. Question paper will have 3 parts.

2. Part A will have 1 compulsory numerical question on Book Keeping. This question may have parts.

3. Part B will have 3 theoretical questions from GFR 2017 & FHB Vol. 1, out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

4. Part C will have 3 theoretical questions from Accounting Principles, Book Keeping, GAR; out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

5. The examinee would be expected to answer in a clear & cogent manner and cite references to relevant provision/rules/sections (wherever applicable).

Marking Scheme:

Part A 1 question of 20 marks
Part B 2 questions of 20 marks each
Part C 2 questions of 20 marks each
2. Service Rules
Without Books
Subjective Type
Question paper will have 3 parts.

Part A will have 1 compulsory case study/numerical question on any topic. This question may have parts

Part B will have 3 theoretical questions from FRSR I, II, III, Pension Rules, GPF Rules, CEA, LTC; out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

Part C will have 3 theoretical questions from CCS (CCA) Rules, CCS (Conduct Rules), RTI Act, Constitution of India out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

The examinee would be expected to answer in a clear & cogent manner and cite references to relevant applicable).

Marking Scheme:

Part A 1 question of 20 marks
Part B 2 questions of 20 marks each
Part C 2 questions of 20 marks each
3. Postal Account Without Books Subjective TypeQuestion paper will have 3 parts.

Part A will have 1 compulsory case study/numerical question/short notes etc. on any topic.

Part B will have 3 questions from Postal Accounts Manual, VOL I, II and Appendix V of Postal Accounts Manual, Vol I out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions.

Part C will have 3 theoretical questions from DFPR, Financial Powers, FHB VOL II, Internal Audit Questionnaire, out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. .

The examinee would be expected to answer in a clear & cogent manner and cite references to relevant provision/rules/sections (wherever applicable).

Marking Scheme:

Part A 1 question of 20 marks
Part B 2 questions of 20 marks each
Part C 2 questions of 20 marks each
4.Telecom Accounts, USOF and Taxation Without Books Subjective TypeQuestion paper will have 3 parts.

Part A will have 1 compulsory case study/numerical question on any topic. This question may have parts.

Part B will have 3 theoretical questions out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

Part C will have 3 theoretical questions out of which examinee will have to attempt 2 questions. These questions may have parts.

The examinee would be expected to answer in a clear & cogent manner and cite references to relevant provision/rules/sections (wherever applicable).

Marking Scheme:

Part A 1 question of 20 marks
Part B 2 questions of 20 marks each
Part C 2 questions of 20 marks each
5. Logical, Analytical & Quantitative Abilities and Language Skill Without Books MCQ and SubjectivePart A of the paper shall consist of 25 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with 4 options in each question covering various topics under Data Interpretation & Quantitative Ability as above, only one being correct.

Part B of the paper would be set in English as well as Hindi language. The candidate may choose to write in either English or Hindi as per his/her choice.

Part B Section 1 shall have 15 MCQs covering various topics under Verbal & Reading Abilities.

Part B Section 2 shall have 3 questions:

Q1: Précis of any topic
Q2: Drafting Official Letter
Q3: Preparation of Office Note

While evaluating the questions on précis and drafting, the candidates would be evaluated for their understanding and ability to express the same in short sentences using simple words. He /She would not be expected to reproduce the passage selectively

Marking Scheme:

Part A Each question will carry 2 marks for correct response, -1/2 (negative half) mark for incorrect response and O for no response.

Part B Section 1: Each question will carry 2 marks for correct response, 1/2 (negative half) mark for incorrect response and O for no response.

Section 2:
Précis of any topic 7 Marks
Drafting Official Letter 7 Marks
Preparation of Office Note 6 Marks
6Information Technology
Without Books Practical and MCQ
Question paper will have 2 parts.

Questions on Word Processor, Spreadsheet & Presentation; shall be based on Microsoft Office.

Part A will have 15 MCQs and candidates will have to answer them in accordance with instructions given against each question.

Candidate will be required to reproduce the correct response of MCQs in Part A completely in Microsoft Word in accordance with the instruction against each question.

Part B will have 3 practical questions on Microsoft Excel, Word & Power Point; wherein examinee will have to produce the output as instructed.

Examinee will be required to save their responses/output and take printout of their responses/output as per directions provided at the examination centre.

Marking Scheme:

Part A: 15 questions of 2 marks each. There will be no negative marking.

Part B: 3 questions of 30 (MS Excel), 20 (MS Word) and 20 (PowerPoint) marks.

5. Qualifying Marks:

For Scheduled CasteScheduled Tribe and PwBD Category, 30% in each subject
For Other Category40% in each subject

Eligible candidates securing qualifying marks in each of the papers will be considered for preparation of the vacancy year wise merit list.

6. Calendar of Examination:

08.01.2025 (Wednesday)Paper-1 (Financial Rules & Procedures & Book-keeping)09:30 am to 12:30 pm
Paper-II (Service Rules)02:30 pm to 05:30 pm
09.01.2025 (Thursday)Paper-III (Postal Account)09:30 am to 12:30 pm
Paper-IV (Telecom Account USOF & Taxation)02:30 pm to 05:30 pm
10.01.2025 (Friday)Paper-V (Logical Analytical & Quantitative Abilities & Language Skills)09:30 am to 12:30 pm
11.01.2025 (Saturday)Paper-VI (Information Technology) *09:30 am to 12:30 pm 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm (if required)
* This paper may be held on additional dates, if required

7. Vacancies: Vacancies are as under

Vacancy YearURSCSTTotal
Total vacancies3913241464

Out of the above 464 vacancies, PwBD vacancies are as follows:

Total vacancies777
  1. (a) for Blindness And Low Vision, (b) for Deaf And Hard Of Hearing and (c) for Locomotor Disability Including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims And Muscular Dystrophy.
  2. Reservation will be given effect as per extant policy and guidelines of the Government of India.
  3. The number of vacancies shown above are provisional and subject to outcome of different court cases pending before various Courts of Law. The department reserves the right to fill all/ part/none of the vacancies.

How to Apply:
a) The applicants are required to apply in the prescribed application form as at Annexure A & B. Blank application form may be printed on A4 size white paper. The candidates are advised to refer to Instructions for filling up Application Form as at Annexure C.

b) The applicants applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions mentioned in the Recruitment Rules as on crucial cut off dates mentioned in 3 above. Their candidature at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.

c) Mere issue of Admit Card to the applicants will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally accepted. Verification of eligibility with reference to original documents & other records will be taken up after the applicant has been declared successful in merit list prepared as per number of vacancies.

d) The applicants (except those officials who are on Deputation out of DoT/Dop or are on Deputation to APS) will submit filled in Application Forms, duly attested by their controlling officers, only to respective Heads of Divisions or Heads of Units (in cases other than postal divisions). Department will not be responsible for any application(s) submitted to any other authorities, other than the designated ones. The Heads of Divisions/Units will issue an acknowledgement of receipt of application form to the candidate. The candidate is advised to retain the acknowledgement and also 2 photocopies of the filled in application form for future reference.

e) The application of all the applicants who are on Deputation out of DoT/DoP or are on Deputation to Army Postal Service (APS) should reach the concerned State Nodal Officer. The acknowledgement of receipt of application form shall be issued by their respective State Nodal Officers.

f) It’s the responsibility of applicant that his duly filled application form reaches Heads of Divisions/Units/SNOs on or before last date of application. The applicants are strongly advised to submit their duly filled application form well before the prescribed deadline. Delays on any account shall not be responsibility of the Department.

g) The Head of Division/Unit shall get the entries in application form verified by the concerned DDO/custodian of service book and/or any other section as applicable. The Head of Division/Unit and respective DDO/Custodian of Service Book will sign at the designated space in the application form.

h) The Heads of Divisions / Units will compile a list of applicants from whom he/she has received filled in application form duly attested by respective controlling officers and forward the list along with the application forms to respective State Nodal Officers as detailed in Annexure E, after due verification by respective DDO/custodian of Service Book and/or any other section as applicable.

i) The applicants are allowed to submit only one Application Form. In case of submission of multiple application forms, all applications submitted by the candidate will be rejected. The Candidates must submit filled in application form, duly attested by respective controlling officers, to the Heads of Divisions/Units only. Submission of application form
to any other authority would lead to rejection of such applications.

j) In case, no communication is received by the State Nodal Officer from the candidate regarding non-receipt of his/her Admit Card at least 7 days before the examination, he/she himself/herself will be solely responsible for non-receipt of his/her Admit Card.

k) No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to take the examination unless he/she holds an Admit Card for the examination. Only candidates possessing valid admit card in original will be permitted to enter the examination hall, subject to productions of valid identity proof. The candidates shall be required to produce any of the following currently valid documents in original namely, Departmental ID Card, Passport, Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Driving License or Voter ID Card along with the admit card. The candidates are advised to check the admit card and any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the State Nodal Officer immediately.

l) The candidates must ensure that their E-Mail IDs/Mobile nos, given in their applications are valid and active as the Department may use E-Mail IDs/Mobile numbers for contacting them at different stages of examination process including dispatch of Admit Cards in exceptional circumstances.

m) The applicants are advised to preserve the acknowledgement given by Head of Unit / Division/State Nodal Officer at the time of submission of the form.

n) The applicants are advised to regularly visit for examination related Information.

9. Where to Apply:

1Officials on Deputation outside DoT/DoPApplication Form duly attested by controlling authority should reach the concerned State Nodal Officer of the state in which official is serving, on or before the last date of submission of application. Department shall not be responsible for any delays. It will be responsibility of the applicant to get entries of the form verified by concerned custodian of records.
2Officials on Deputation to Army Postal Service (APS)Application Form duly attested by controlling authority should reach the assigned State Nodal Officer i.e. CCA Maharashtra & Goa, on or before the last date of submission of application. Department shall not be responsible for any delays.
3Others (including those on Deputation within DOT/DOP)  Application Form duly attested by controlling officer needs to be submitted to the respective Divisional Heads/Head of Unit (in cases other than Postal Divisions), where they are serving, on or before the last date of submission of application, who will further forward it to the respective State Nodal Officer. Department shall not be responsible for any delays. In case of Pr. CCA/CCA offices, Head of Unit is Pr. CCA/CCA.

10. Last Date for Submission of Applications:

a) The filled in application forms by applicants (except those officials who are on Deputation out of DoT/DoP or are on deputation to APS) must be submitted on or before 14.10.2024 (Monday) to respective Heads of Divisions or Heads of Units (in cases other than Postal Divisions).

b) The filled in application forms by applicants who are on Deputation out of DoT/DoP or are on Deputation to APS, must be submitted on or before 23.10.2024 (Wednesday) to their respective State Nodal Officers.

11. Admit Cards:

a) The Admit Cards will be dispatched by post by the State Nodal Officers of respective states/circles.

b) In case the candidate does not receive admit card 10 days prior to commencement of examination, he/she is advised to contact the State Nodal Officer along with photocopy of his/her application form and acknowledgement of submission of form to Divisional/Unit (in cases other than Postal Divisions).

12. Location(s) for Conducting the Examination:

a) The list of States/UTs with their tentative exam location and the designated State Nodal Officers is placed at Annexure E

b) One or more centers of examination may be established in one State/UT, depending upon the number of candidates

c) If the number of candidates at one center is very low then the nearest available center may be allotted.

d) Names and addresses of examination center shall be mentioned in the Admit Card.

e) The applicants shall not have the option to select any particular examination center/location. The decision of the State Nodal officer in this regard will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard

13. Medium of Examination

Examination papers shall be bilingual Le. Hindi & English. The candidate may choose to write any examination paper in either English or Hindi as per his/her choice. The candidates are expected to write answers for a particular examination paper in one language (English or Hindi) only.

14. Admissibility of TA/DA:

TA/DA is not admissible to any applicant for appearing in the examination. The days on which examinations are held shall NOT be considered as ‘on duty and responsibility of getting leave sanctioned by competent authority lies with the applicant.

15. Tie Breaker:

In event of two or more candidates securing equal gross marks, the tie will be resolved in following manner.

a) Age: The candidate older in age shall be given higher rank; failing which,

b) Marks obtained by the candidate in respective papers in the following order:

1. Paper 1; failing which,

ii. Paper II; failing which,

iii. Paper V; failing which,

iv. Paper VI; failing which,

v. Sum of Paper III & IV.

16. Display of Result:

The AAO LDCE-2024 is a qualifying-cum-competitive examination. It is qualifying to the extent that only those candidates who secure qualifying marks in all the papers as indicated in Para 5 above, will be considered for preparation of vacancy year wise Merit List which shall be considered by the Departmental Promotion Committee. The vacancy year wise merit list along with marks obtained by candidates in each Paper will be displayed on Marks of other candidates appearing in the examination shall also be displayed on separately. The individual mark sheets will not be sent to applicants.

17. All disputes arising out of the process shall fall under jurisdiction of courts/tribunals at

New Delhi.


The application form for LDCE AAO 2024 submitted by Mr./Ms. …………………………… Son/Daughter of ……………………………… is hereby acknowledged.


Signature and Seal of Divisional Head/Unit Head/SNO

Annexure C

Instructions for Filling the Application Form

1. The applicants should submit only one form to their Head of Division/Unit for onward submission to State Nodal Officer. In case of submission of multiple application forms, all applications submitted by the Applicant will be rejected.

2. Applications incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected at any stage of the examination process without any notice.

3. The print out of the Application Form (including Admit Card portion & Annexure B: Choice of Circle/States for Posting) must be taken back-to-back (on both sides of A4 size paper). In this way there will be only 5 sheets of paper (Page 1-9 of the Application Form). Acknowledgment part should be printed separately which shall be returned to the applicant by Divisional Head/Unit Head/SNO (in case of persons on deputation out of DoT or DoP).

4. The photographs must be pasted (not stapled). Both the photographs should be got attested by Controlling Officer in such a manner that the face is completely visible. Application Forms bearing unattested photographs will be summarily rejected without any notice.

5. The Application Form and Admit Card (relevant portions only) are to be filled in blue ball

point pen only.

6. There should be no overwriting anywhere on the form. Use of correction fluids is prohibited. Any such application shall be rejected.

7. No salutations and titles like Late/Doctor/Shri etc. should be used in the boxes at Sl. No. 1 and 2.

8. The name and address must be filled in BLOCK LETTERS (CAPITAL) only.

9. Leave a blank box between each part of name and address.

10. Dates should be filled in DD/MM/YYYY format only.

11. Email/Mobile Number of the applicant should be valid and active as they may be used to communicate with the applicant.

12. Applicants marking themselves as Graduate and Above in Column 6 of the Application Form, must ensure that verification in respect of graduation has been completed and the same has been entered into their Service Book before the submission of their Application Form to the respective Head of Division/Unit.

13. The applicant should retain the Acknowledgement Slip and two copies of the application form till the process is over.

14. The officials who are on Deputation within DoT or Dop should also mark (d) in item number 11. Officials currently posted in India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) will be considered as being on deputation within DoP.

15. The Admit Card in original must be carried by the applicant to the exam hall for each shift of the examination. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to submit the Admit Card to the Invigilator in the last shift on the last day of examination.

16. Examination papers shall be bilingual i.e. Hindi & English. The Applicants may choose to write any examination paper in either English or Hindi as per his/her choice. The applicants are expected to write answers for a particular examination paper in one language (English or Hindi) only

17. Applicants are advised to submit duly filled in application form at the earliest without waiting for last date of submission.

18. The applicants are advised to regularly visit for examination related information


For Sl. No. 8 & 9 use code as
1 for Pay Level 1
2 for Pay Level 2
3 for Pay Level 3
4 for Pay Level 4
5 for Pay Level 5
6 for Pay Level 6
7 for Pay Level 7
8 for Pay Level 8
9 for Pay Level 9

For Sl. No. 18

Andaman & Nicobar01
Andhra Pradesh02
Himachal Pradesh09
Jammu & Kashmir10
Madhya Pradesh14
Tamil Nadu21
Uttar Pradesh (East)23
Uttar Pradesh (West)24
West Bengal26

In some of the Circles, there are multiple offices functioning both in DoP and DoT. Once choice for those circles is given, they may be posted in any establishment.

The Circles have also got Regional Offices at different locations and posting in the Regional Offices shall be carried out by Head of the PAO or Head of the CCA as per administrative requirement.

All the applicants have to fill up the Annexure B mentioning their choice from Sl. No. 1 to Sl. No. 26, failing which they may be posted anywhere in India in accordance to the availability of vacancies.

Annexure E

List of State Nodal Officers (SNOS)

Sl. No.State/UTTentative Exam LocationDesignationPostal Address
1.Andhra PradeshVijayawadaCCA Andhra Pradesh2nd Floor, Microwave Building, P &T Gandhi Colony, M.G. Road, Vijaywada-520010
2AssamGuwahatiDAP AssamDirector of Accounts (Postal), A K Azad Road, Rehabari, Guwahati, Assam-781008
3BiharPatnaGM (F) BiharGM(Finance), Patna, GPO Complex, Patna – 800001
4ChhattisgarhRaipurJt. CCA Chhattisgarh3rd Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, GE Road, Adjacent to lal Ganga Shopping Mall, Raipur- 492001
5Delhi, NICF, DOT HQ, DOP HQ, TECDelhiCCA DelhiO/o Pr. CCA Delhi, Prasad Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi, 110005
6Gujarat, Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar HaveliAhmedabadCCA Gujarat7th floor, P & T Administrative Building, near Khanpur, Old City, Khanpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380001
7HaryanaAmbalaCCA Haryana107, The Mall Road, Ambala Cantt-133001
8Himachal PradeshShimlaCCA Himachal PradeshController of Communication Accounts, Claremont Building, Near Vidhan Shabha, Chaura Maidan, Shimla – 171004
9Jammu & KashmirJammuCCA, O/D CCA Jammu & KashmirHUDCO Bhawan, Rail Head Complex, Jammu (J&K)- 180012
10JharkhandRanchiDAP RanchiA/212, Rameshwaram, Sarhul Nagar, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001
11KarnatakaBangaloreGM (F) Karnataka3rd Flood, General Post Office, Rajbhawan Road, Banglore-560001
12Kerala & LakshadweepThiruvananthapuramCCA Kerala5th Floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, PMG Junction, Vikas Bhawan, Trivandrum-695033
13Madhya PradeshBhopalGM (F) BhopalDak Bhawan, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal-462012
14Maharashtra, Goa & APSMumbai, NagpurCCA Maharashtra & GoaBSNL Administrative Building, 3rd Floor, C-Wing, Juhudanda Telecom Complex, Juhu Tara Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai-400054
15North East (Except Assam & Sikkim)ShillongCCA NE I2nd Floor, CTO Building, Shillong- 793001
16OdishaBhubaneshwarCCA Odisha4th Floor, CPMG Building, Bhubaneshwar-751001
17Punjab & ChandigarhChandigarhDAP PunjabDepartment of Post, O/o Director of Accounts (Postal), Punjab Dak Lekha Bhawan, Seenpura Mohalla, Kapurthala – 144601
18RajasthanJaipurCCA RajasthanSanchar Lekha Bhawan, Jhalana Doongri, jaipur (Raj)-302004
19Tamil NaduChennaiGM (F), ChennaiO/o GM (F), Postal Accounts Office, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai- 600002
20TelanganaHyderabadCCA TelanganaO/o Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Sanchar Lekha Bhawan, Chikkdapally, Hyderabad – 500020
21UttarakhandDehradunDAP UttarakhandDepartment of Post, O/o The Director of Accounts (Postal), Uttarakhand Circle, GPO Campus, Dehradun – 248001
22Uttar Pradesh & RAKNPALucknowGM (F) LucknowSector C, Chandralok, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226024
23West Bengal, Sikkim & A&NKolkata, Sri Vijaya Puram (Port Blair)CCA West Bengal10th Floor, MSO Building, Nizam Palace, 234/4 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020

Annexure F

Syllabus for AAO LDCE, 2024

Syllabus shall cover the following topics including amendments, rules or orders issued up tothree months before the date of Notification of AAO LDCE, 2024-

Paper I: Financial Rules and Procedures & Book-keeping

SI. NoTopicChapter
1General Financial Rules, 2017Chapter-1 Introduction
Chapter-2 General System of Financial Management
Chapter-3 Budget Formulation and Implementation
Chapter-6 Procurement of Goods and Services
Chapter-8 Contract Management
2FHB Volume-IChapter-II General Principles and Rules
Chapter-III General Outlines of the Systems of Accounts Chapter-IV Relations with Audit
Chapter-V Cash
Chapter-VIII Pay and Allowances General Rules
Chapter-X Establishment
Chapter-XI Contingent Charges
Chapter-XIII Loans & Advances to Govt Servant
Chapter-XVII General Provident Fund
3Accounting Principles/Book KeepingPreparation of Trial Balance
Preparation and analysis of P & L Account
Preparation and analysis of Balance Sheet
Provision for Bad Debts/Depreciation/Reserves/ provisions Bank reconciliation statement
Receipts & Payments Account
Income & Expenditure Account
Single entry
Correction of Errors
4Government Accounting Rules, 1990 (Revised Edition)

Paper II: Service Rules

Sl. Nu.TopicChapter
1FR SR Part-1: General RulesChapter-II Definition
Chapter-III General Conditions of Service
Chapter-IV Pay
Chapter-VII Dismissal, Removal and Suspension
Appendix-3 Delegation made under Fundamental Rule 6 Appendix-10 CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979
2FR SR Part-II: Travelling AllowancesChapter-I Grades of Government Servants
Chapter-II Different kinds of TA
Chapter-II T.A. admissible for different class of Journey
Chapter-VI Controlling Officers
3FR SR Part-II: Leave RulesChapter-1 Preliminary
Chapter-II General Conditions
Chapter-IV Kinds of Leave due and admissible
Chapter-V Special kinds of leave other than study leave
4CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021Chapter-1 Preliminary
Chapter-II General Conditions
Chapter-III Qualifying Service
Chapter-IV Emoluments and Average Emoluments
Chapter-V Classes of pensions and conditions governing their grant
Chapter-VI Premature Retirement and Voluntary Retirement Chapter-VII Regulation of Pension and Gratuity
Chapter-VIII Family Pension
Chapter-IX Dearness Relief
Chapter-X Determination and Authorization of the Amounts of Pension and Gratuity
Chapter-XI Determination and Authorisation of the amounts of family pension and gratuity in respect of a Government Servant who dies or goes missing while in service
Chapter-XII Sanction of family pension and residuary gratuity in respect of deceased or missing pensioners or family Pensioner CHAPTER-XIII Payment of Pensions
CHAPTER-XIV Miscellaneous
5General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960Chapter-1 Short title and commencement
Chapter-II Definitions
Chapter-IV Conditions of eligibility
Chapter-V Nominations
Chapter-VI Subscriber’s Account
Chapter-VII Conditions of subscriptions
Chapter-VIII Rates of subscription
Chapter-XII Advances from the Fund
Chapter-XV Withdrawals from the fund
Chapter-XVI Conditions of withdrawal
Chapter-XVI-A Conversion of an advance into a withdrawal Chapter-XXXI Final withdrawal of accumulations in the Fund Chapter-XXXII Retirement of subscriber
Chapter-XXXIII Procedure on death of a subscriber
Chapter-XXXIV Manner of payment of amount in the Fund Chapter-XXXIX Annual statement of accounts to be supplied to subscriber
6CEA Rules
7LTC Rules
8CCS (CCA) RulesChapter-1
Part-III Appointing Authority
Part-IV Suspension
Part-V Penalties and Disciplinary Authorities
Part-VI Procedure for Imposing Penalties
Part-VII Appeals
Part-VIII Revision and Review
Chapter-II Suspension A Digest
Chapter-III Suspension General Orders
Chapter-IV Suspension Entitlements
Chapter-VII Unauthorized Absence
Chapter-XV. Orders regarding grant of T.A. to various persons during disciplinary proceedings
9CCS (Conduct) RulesRule-II Definitions
Rule-III General
Rule-III-C Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women Rule-VI Joining of associations by Government servants
Rule-VII Demonstration and strikes
Rule-IX Criticism of Government
Rule-XV Private trade or employment
Rule-XVI Investments, Lending and borrowing
Rule-XVII Insolvency and habitual indebtedness
Rule-XVIII Movable, immovable and valuable property Rule-XXI Restriction regarding marriage
Rule-XXII Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs Appendices-IV The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
10RTI Act 2005Knowledge of various provisions of RTI Act 2005
11Constitution of IndiaGeneral Principles of Natural Justice (Preamble to Constitution of India, Article 14, 21, 22, 32, 226, 227, 311)

Paper III: Postal Account

SI. No.TopicChapter
1Postal Accounts Manual Vol-1Chapter- 1 Definitions & General System of Accounts
Chapter-II Organisation and Control
Chapter-III Postal Accounts Work
Chapter-IV Compilation of Accounts
Chapter-V Remittances
Chapter-VI Account Current Section
Chapter-VII Transfer Entries, Journal and Ledger
Chapter-IX Budget& Budgetary Control
Chapter-X Capital Accounts
Chapter-XI Principles & Procedures regarding Expense Coverage Ratio
Chapter-XIII Pension
Chapter-XV General Provident Fund
Chapter-XVIII Internal Audit
Chapter-XXI Premium Product Services-Checks & Balances Chapter-XXII Remotely Managed Franking System Postal Life Insurance
Chapter-XXIV Postal Life Insurance & Rural
Chapter-XXV Western Union International Money Transfer Chapter-XXVI India Post Payment Bank
Appendix-I to IV
2Postal Accounts Manual Vol llChapter-1 Electronic Money Orders, Foreign Money Orders, Value Payable Money Orders
Chapter-II Postal Office Cash Certificates
Chapter-III Indian Postal Orders, e-Indian Postal Orders Chapter-VI Savings bank (Para 6.01 to 6.13)
Chapter-VIII Custom Duty
Chapter-IX Goods and Service tax-DOP perspective Chapter-X India Post Passenger Reservation System
3Appendix -V to Postal Accounts Manual Vol-1
4Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 2024
5Schedule of Financial Powers of Head of Circle, Regional PMGS, SSPOS/SPOS
6FHB-Volume-IIChapter- II Supply of Stamps
Chapter-III Revenue Receipts
Chapter-IV Post Office Accounts
Chapter-V Railway Mail Service Accounts
Chapter-VII Pension Payments
7Manual of Internal Audit QuestionnaireChapter-1 Postal and RMS Units
Chapter- II Circle Office and Regional Offices
Chapter-III Postal Stores Depot
Chapter-V Postal Life Insurance
Chapter-XII Civil & Electrical Wing

Paper IV: Telecom Account, USOF and Taxation

SI. No.TopicChapter/Documents
1License Agreements and NIAi) Financial Conditions of various License Agreements
ii) Provision regarding Spectrum Usage Charges & Bank Guarantees in NIA 2010 onwards
iii) Reconciliation of revenue shown in AGR (Adjusted Gross Revenue) and P & L Account
2USOFi) Schemes sponsored by USOF
ii) Financial conditions in various Agreements
3GSTi) Provision for registration under GST Act
ii) Requirement of Monthly/quarterly return under GST Act
iii) Time line for depositing amount due under GST Act
4Income Taxi) Provision of Income Tax on salaried employees (including pensioners)
ii) Provision of TDS on salaried employees (including pensioners)
iii) Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Returns to be submitted by DDOs under Income Tax Act
iv) Admissible deduction to be allowed by DDO to salaried employees (including pensioners)
5National Pension System (NPS)

Paper V: Logical, Analytical & Quantitative Abilities and Language Skills

Sl. No.SectionSub Section
Part A: Logical, Analytical & Quantitative Abilities
1Data Interpretationi) Data Tables
ii) Linear Graphs
iii) Pie Charts
iv) Bar Charts
v) Venn Diagram
2Quantitative abilityi) Number systems
ii) Decimals & Fractions
iii) Simple Equation
iv) Ratio-Proportion-Variation
v) Percentages
vi) Profit & Loss
vii) Simple Interest and Compound Interest
viii) Average/Weighted Averages
ix) Discount
x) Time & Work
Part B: Language Skills -English
 1Verbal and Reading Abilitiesi) Verbal Reasoning
ii) Sentence corrections
iii) Idioms and phrases
iv) Grammar Applications
v) Antonyms
vi) Synonyms
vii) Vocabulary
viii) Arranging sentences in order
ix) Comprehension of passage
 2Drafting and Writing Abilitiesi) Précis of any topic
ii) Drafting official letter
iii) Preparation of Office Note
भाग बः भाषा ज्ञानहिंदी
 1मौखिक एवं पढ़ने की क्षमताअशुद्ध वाक्य शोधन
मुहावरे व लोकोक्तियों
विलोम शब्द
समानार्थक शब्द
अपठित ग‌द्यांश
 2रचना एवं लेखन क्षमताकिसी भी विषय का सारांश कार्यालय पत्रों की रचना कार्यालय टिप्पणी तैयार करना

Paper VI: Information Technology

SI. No.TopicDetails
 1Introduction to Windows 111) What is an operating system and basics of Windows 11?  
2) The User Interface
a. Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen
b. The My Computer Icon
c. The Recycle Bin
d. Status Bar, Start and Menu & Menu-selection
e. Running an application
f. Windows Explorer Viewing of File, Folders and Directories
g. Creating and Renaming of files and folders
h. Opening and closing of different Windows.  

3) Windows 11 Settings
a. Control Panels
b. Concept of menu Using Help  

4) Advance Features in Windows 11
a. Using right Button of the Mouse
b. Creating Short cuts
c. Basics of Window Setup
d. Notepad
 2Word Processor/Word1) Word Processing Basic
a. An Introduction to Word Processing
b. Opening Word processing Package
c. The Menu Bar
d. Using the Help
e. Using the Icons below menu bar  

2) Opening Documents and Closing documents
a. Opening Documents
b. Save and Save as
c. Page Setup
d. Printing of Documents
e. Display/Hiding of Paragraph Marks and Inter Word Space  

3) Moving Around in a Documents
a. Scrolling the Documents
b. Scrolling the line/paragraph
c. Fast Scrolling and Moving Pages  

4) Using a Document/Help Wizard
5) Text Creation and Manipulation
a. Paragraph and Tab Setting
b. Text Selection
c. Cut, Copy and Paste
d. Font and Size selection
e. Bold, Italic and Underline
f. Alignment of Text; Center, Left, Right and Justify.  

6) Formatting the Text
a. Changing font, Size and Color
b. Paragraph indenting
c. Bullets and Numbering
d. Use of Tab and Tab setting
e. Changing case  

7) Handling Multiple Documents
a. Opening and closing of Multiple documents
b. Cut, Copy and Paste across the documents
c. Saving of Clip boards
8) Table Manipulation
a. Concept of table: Rows Columns and Cells
b. Draw Table
c. Changing Cell Width and Height
d. Alignment of Text in Cell
e. Copying of cell
f. Delete/insertion of row and columns
g. Borders for Table  

9) Printing
a. Printing
b. Print Preview
c. Print a selected page
 3Spreadsheet/Excel1) Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet
a. Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet
b. Opening of Spread Sheet
c. The menu bar
d. Creation of cells and addressing of cells
e. Cell inputting  

2) Manipulation of Cells
a. Enter text numbers and dates
b. Enter texts numbers and dates
c. Creation of tables
d. Cell Height and Widths  

3) Providing Formulas
a. Using basic functions/formalism a cell
b. Sum () function
c. Average
d. Percentage

4) Spread sheets for small accountings
a. Maintaining invoices/budgets
b. Totaling of various transactions
 4Presentation/PowerPoint1) Basic
a. Using Power Point
b. Opening a Power Point Presentation
c. Using Wizard for creating a presentation  

2) Creation of Presentation
a. Title
b. Text Creation
c. Fonts and Sizes
d. Bullets and indenting
e. Moving to Next Slide  

3) Preparation of Slides
a. Selection of type of Slides
b. Importing text from word documents
c. Moving to next Slide
d. The Slide manager  

4) Providing aesthetics
a. Slide Designs
b. Background and Text colors
c. Making your own slide format
d. Footnotes and slide numbering  

5) Slide Manipulation and Slide Show  

6) Presentation of the Slides
a. Using the Slide Show
b. Printing the Slides and Handouts
c. Slide Sorter
d. Title Sorter  

7) Inserting and Formatting Tables
8) Inserting and Formatting Charts
9) Inserting and Formatting Media
10) Inserting and Formatting Images
11) Applying Transitions and animations
12) Applying Transitions between Slides
13) Animating Slide Contents and Setting Time for Transitions and Animations
 6E-mail1) Basic of electronic mail
a. What is an electronic mail
b. E-mail addressing
c. Mailbox: Inbox and outbox  

2) Using E-mails
a. Viewing an email
b. Sending an E mail
c. Saving mails
d. Sending same mail to various users  

3) Document handling
a. Sending soft copy as attachment
b. Enclosures to E- Mail
c. Sending a Portion of document as e mail


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