Attention is drawn to this Directorate’s letters no. 18-7/95-ED&TRG dated 15.12.1995 and 18-33/2022-GDS dated 04.12.2002 whereby instruction for condonation of breaks in service of GDS caused due to leave taken in excess of 180 days and put off duty preceding reinstatement in service were issued.
- As per the existing instructions, in the event of imposition of major penalty
in Departmental proceedings or where is the GDS is convicted in the criminal
proceedings, the cases for condonation of breaks caused due to put off duty
preceding reinstatement are forwarded to Directorate. This causes delay in
settlement of the terminal benefits available to the GDS. Therefore, in order to
avoid delay in payments of terminal benefits to GDS on this account, in
supersession of the previous instructions, it has been decided to delegate the
power for condonation of breaks service as under:- a) The Head of Region/Head of Circle (where regional PMG not available) will be empowered to condone the breaks of service due to leave exceeding 180 days in consultation with RIFA or CIFA, as the case may be
- b) The Head of Region/Head of Circle (where regional PMG not available) will be empowered to condone the breaks caused due to put off duty period preceding reinstatement in employment, in consultation with RIFA or CIFA, as the case may be, in the following scenarios
- i) in case of imposition of minor penalty on the GDS in the departmental proceedings
- ii) in case of exoneration in the Departmental proceedings/acquittal in criminal cases by the Courts of law
- c) The powers of condonation of put off duty period, in case of imposition of major penalty in the Departmental proceedings or where is the GDS is convicted by the competent court of law will, however, be exercised by the HoC in consultation with CIFA
- d) Upon condonation of the breaks by the competent authority, the periods condoned will, however, not be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of terminal benefits
- Further, on any reference sent to this directorate for condonation of breaks on the above grounds in the past, which has not been decided yet, the circles may take decision as per provisions of this O.M.
- To These issues with the approval of the competent authority.
- Hindi version will follow