Gramin Dak Sevaks (Grant of financial upgradation) Scheme, 2024

  • This scheme shall be called as Gramin Dak Sevaks (Grant of financial upgradation) Scheme, 2024 [GDSFU]
  • Applicability: The scheme shall be applicable to all GDS engaged on regular basis in accordance with the GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules as amended from time to time
  • Benefit under the GDSFU:
    1. The GDSs will get a fixed addition of Rs. 360/-, Rs. 460/- and Rs. 600/per month on completion of 12, 24 and 36 years of ‘continuous engagement’. This fixed amount is in addition to the TRCA being drawn. Dearness Allowance (DA) will not be paid on this fixed addition and this will also not count for grant of annual increase of the T RCA. Explanation: ‘At the time of introduction’ of the scheme, the fixed addition to the TRCA will be as under:
      • The GDS who have completed 12 years of continuous engagement or more (but less than 24 years) will be entitled for a fixed addition of Rs. 360/- per month
      • The GDS who have completed 12 years of continuous engagement or more (but less than 24 years) will be entitled for a fixed addition of Rs. 360/- per month
      • The GDS having more than 36 years of continuous engagement will get a fixed addition of Rs. 1420/- (Rs. 360 + 460 + 600) per month. Note: The illustrations may be seen at para 8 for clarity
  • Continuous Enqaqement
    1. In determining the period of continuous engagement, following periods will be treated as break in engagement unless condoned by the competent authority
      • i. Unauthorised absence
      • ii. Put Off Duty period
    2. In case of condonation of period(s) of absence/put off duty by the competent authority, the interruption(s) so arising on this account will not be construed as break in continuous engagement (leading to forfeiture of past service); however, the condoned period(s) will not be counted towards determining the length of continuous engagement
    3. The competent authorities to condone the period of absence/put off duty will continue to be as prescribed from time to time. Note: In case of provisional engagement which is followed by regular engagement after completion of prescribed formalities/verification of documents, the date of engagement will be taken as the date of joining on the basis of the issue of the order of provisional engagement
  • Screening Committee
    1. Members: For screening of the cases, a committee consisting of 3 members of Dy. SP/ASP(HQ)/Inspector level to be nominated by the divisional head/unit head will be constituted. Since, the GDSFU Scheme contemplates merely addition to TRCA, it shall not be mandatory to associate members of SC/ST in the screening committee meant to consider the cases for grant of financial upgradation
    2. Special Performance Report: A special performance report in respect of all the eligible GDSs (including BPMs after ascertaining their vigilance status) will be prepared by the concerned sub divisional head/unit incharge (LSG and above). Screening Committee shall examine the cases put up before it on the basis of the Special Performance Report in the proforma given at Annexure-I. The minutes of the screening committee meeting will be kept in record
    3. Schedule: – In order to prevent undue strain on the administrative machinery, the Screening Committee will follow the time-schedule, as given below
      • The committee shall meet twice a year. The cases maturing during first half of a calendar year (January — June) shall be taken up for consideration by the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of July.
      • Similarly, the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of January shall process the cases that would be maturing during the second-half of the calendar year (July — December)
      • The orders for grant of the financial upgradation by division/unit head will be issued by 31 st July/31 St January as the case may be
      • Preparation for conducting the screening should be started in the month of April and October every year. Schedule of activities and timelines to be followed will be as under:
    4. Guidelines for the Screening Committee
      • While considering the cases, the screening committee may see that GDSs who have completed 12, 24 or 36 years of continuous engagement, as the case may be, have completed prescribed refresher training on Dak Karamyogi e-learning platform. In case of non-completion of the aforementioned refresher course by a GDS, though the benefit under the scheme will accrue from the due date, but it would be drawn only after the refresher training is completed and certificate to this effect is submitted
      • While considering the cases of the financial upgradation, the committee shall not recommend the benefits under the scheme in the following circumstances
        • i. Pendency of disciplinary/criminal proceedings Put off Duty
        • ii. Currency of any minor/major penalty other than ‘censure
      • The cases not recommended by the screening committee will be placed in the immediate next meeting of the screening committee to assess the suitability for grant of benefit under the scheme. In the cases covered in para (b) above, the GDS would be entitled to the benefits from the due date of completion of 12, 24 or 36 years of continuous engagement only if acquitted or exonerated of the charges or dropping of the proceedings. In case of currency of penalty, the benefit will accrue only from the date of expiry of the currency of the penalty
      • In case where the financial upgradation is not recommended due to any reason of the GDS being found unfit or due to pendency of disciplinary proceedings etc., this would have consequential effect on the subsequent financial upgradation which would also get deferred to the extent of the delay in the grant of previous financial upgradation
ActivityCases maturing during first half (January to June)Cases maturing during second half (July to December)
Identification of the eligible GDSs and preparation the Special Report by Sub Divisional Head/Unit In charge (LSG and above)1 st April to 10th June1st October to 10th December
Submission of list of eligible GDSs along with Special Performance Report by SDI/Unit Incharge (LSG and above) to Divisional/Unit Head15 th June1 5th December
Meeting of Screening Committee1 st week of July1 st week of January
Issue of Orders15th of July1 5th January
  • Representation: The GDS who is aggrieved with the decision of the Screening Committee/DivisionaI Head regarding non-grant of the financial upgradation, would be entitled to submit a representation to the next higher authority, i.e., Regional DPS/DPS (HQ)/PMG/CPMG within a period of three months from such rejection. However, the authority concerned may entertain the representation even after the expiry of the said period of three months if it is satisfied that the dependent had sufficient cause for not submitting representation within the period prescribed.
  • GDS working on Departmental Posts/APS/IPPB etc: – The GDSs working on Departmental posts/APS/lPPB etc shall also be eligible for grant of benefits under the scheme from the due date of completion of requisite period of engagement. Their cases will also be considered by the screening committee in regular course along with other cases. However, the addition to the TRCA will only be allowed once they are repatriated to their original/alternative post of GDS. No arrears of benefit accrued will be paid in such cases.

Illustrations:a). First Financial Upgradation: –

  • 12 years of Engagement: A GDS working in T RCA Slab- 1 i.e. Rs.10,000-24,470 and completed 12 years of continuous engagement and drawn the TRCA in Stage Rs.13,880/- is eligible for fixed addition of Rs. 360/- p.m. w.e.f completion of 12 years of continuous engagement.
Earnings per month
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.13,880
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs.6940
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs.360
Other AllowanceAs applicable
  • 16 years of Engagement: – A GDS working in TRCA Slab-2 i.e. Rs.12,000-29,380 and completed 16 years of continuous engagement as on implementation of the Scheme and is drawing the TRCA at the Stage Rs.16,680/- will be eligible for a fixed addition of Rs. 360/- p.m w.e.f. the date of introduction of scheme.
Earnings per month
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.16,680
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs. 8,340
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs.360
Other AllowanceAs applicable

b). Second Financial Upgradation

  • 24 years of Engagement: A GDS working in T RCA Slab-2 i.e. Rs.12,000-29,380 on completion of 24 years of engagement and is drawing TRCA at the Stage Rs.23,860/- will be eligible for fixed addition of Rs.820/- p.m [Rs.360/+ Rs. 460/-] with effect from completion of 24 years of continuous engagement
Earnings per month
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.23,860
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs.11 ,930
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs.820/- [Rs.360+Rs.460]
Other AllowanceAs applicable
  • 26 years of Engagement: A GDS working in T RCA Slab-2, i.e. Rs.12,000-29,380 and completed 26 years of continuous engagement as on the introduction of the scheme and is drawing the TRCA at the Stage Rs.25,320/will be eligible for a fixed addition of Rs. 820 p.m w.e.f. the date of introduction of scheme.
Earnings per month
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.25,320/-
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs. 12,660/-
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs.820/- [Rs.360+Rs.460]
Other AllowanceAs applicable

c). Third Financial Upgrdation

  • 36 years of Engagement: A GDS working in TRCA Slab-3, i.e., Rs.14,500-35,480 on completion of 36 years of continuous engagement and is drawing TRCA at the stage of Stage Rs.34,440/- is eligible for fixed addition of Rs.1420/- p.m [Rs.820/-+ Rs.360/- + Rs. 460/-1 w.e.f. completion of 30 -years of continuous engagement.
Earnings per month
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.34,440
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs. 17,220
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs. 1420 [Rs.360+Rs.460+ Rs.600/-]
Other AllowanceAs applicable

d). Case of annual increase

A GDS working in TRCA Slab-2, i.e., Rs 12,000-29,380/- at the stage of Rs.17,190/- on completion of 13 years of engagement as on date of introduction of the scheme, will be entitled to addition of Rs. 360 to the TRCA on the date of introduction of Scheme. On getting the next annual increase on 1 july or 1 January, as the case may be, TRCA will be increased to next stage, i.e.,. Rs. 17,710/- and he will continue to draw of the fixed addition of Rs.260/,p.m.

Earnings per month before Annual Increase
Time Related Continuity AllowanceRs.17,190
Dearness Allowance (@ 50%)Rs. 8,595
Fix addition under upgradation schemeRs.360
Other AllowanceAs applicable


S. No.विवरण (Description
1.नाम (Name)
2.पद (Designation)
3.नियमित आधार पर जीडीएस के रूप में नियुक्ति की तिथि (Date of engagement as GDS on regular basis)
4.वर्तमान मूल टीआरसीए और टीआरसीए स्लैब/स्तर (Present Basic TRCA and TRCA Slab/Level)
5.अनधिकृत ड्यूटी से छुट्टी की अवधि (अनुपस्थिति नहीं/माफ़ किया गया नहीं) {Period of Unauthorised Off Duty (Not Absence/Put Condoned)}
6.अनधिकृत की अवधि (अनुपस्थिति/ड्यूटी से छुट्टी (माफ़ किया गया) (क्षमाफी आदेश संलग्न किया जाना चाहिए) {Period of Unauthorised (Absence/Put Off Duty (Condoned) (Condonation Order to be attached)}
7.वर्तमान जुर्माने का विवरण, यदि कोई हो (Details of current penalty, if any)
8.क्या जीडीएस के विरुद्ध कोई अनुशासनात्मक/आपराधिक मामला लंबित/विचाराधीन है (अर्थात्, केवल ड्यूटी से विमुख होना) (Whether any disciplinary/criminal case pending / contemplated (i.e., Put off duty only) against the GDS)
9.क्या जीडीएस ने डाक कर्मयोगी ई-लर्निंग प्लेटफॉर्म पर विभाग द्वारा निर्धारित पुनश्चर्या पाठ्यक्रम प्रशिक्षण पूरा कर लिया है। यदि हाँ, तो प्रशिक्षण पूर्ण होने की तिथि। (Whether GDS has completed refresher course training as prescribed by the Department on the Dak Karamyogi E-learning Platform. If so, the date of completion of the training.)
1 0.टिप्पणियाँ/टिप्पणियाँ (केवल जीडीएस की दक्षता में सुधार के लिए है (Comments/Remarks (Only meant for improving the efficienc of the GDS)
(a)PoSB/PLl/RPLl योजनाओं की जानकारी और ऐसी योजनाओं से संबंधित नियमों पर टिप्पणियाँ (Comments on the knowledge of PoSB/PLl/RPLl schemes and rules relatin to such schemes)
(b)विपणन, मेलों के आयोजन, व्यावसायिक खरीद आदि में पहल करने पर टिप्पणियाँ। (Comments on taking initiatives in marketing, organizing melas, business procurement etc.)
(c)क्या विभाग द्वारा उपलब्ध कराये गये उपकरण/स्मार्ट फोन को संभालने में सक्षम है (Whether capable of handling the device/smart phone provided by the Department)
(d)डिलीवरी प्रदर्शन, मेल संप्रेषण या सौंपे गए किसी अन्य कार्य पर टिप्पणी करें। (Comment on the delivery performance, mail conveyance or any other work assigned.)
(e)उन योजनाओं के प्रदर्शन पर टिप्पणी करें जिनके लिए आईपीपीबी सेवाओं सहित प्रोत्साहन का भुगतान किया जाता है (Comment on the performance in schemes for which incentives is paid including IPPB services)
11.क्या वित्तीय उन्नयन हेतु अनुशंसित है (Whether recommended for financial upgradation)
12.यदि अनुशंसा नहीं की गई तो उसके कारण बताएं। (If not recommended, the reasons thereof.)

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