Postal Rates (Inland)

Postal Rates (Inland) S.No. Name of Postal Article Postage in Rs 1 Post Card Single Card 0.50 Reply Card 1.00 Meghdoot Post Card 0.25 Printed Card (Postcards containing printed communication) 6.00 2 Inland Letter Card 2.50 3 Letters (Maximum Weight 2 Kg) For a weight not exceeding 20 gms 5.00 For every additional 20gms or fraction thereof 5.00 4 Book Pattern and Sample Packets ( maximum weight 5/2 Kg) For the first 50 gms 4.00 For every additional 50gms or fraction thereof in excess of fifty grams 3.00 5 Book Packets containing printed Books (Maximum weight 5Kg) For the first Read More …